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PSM and PSM3 acquiring?


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Really enjoying the PSM scans.

So wanted to see if I can contribute, but before I acquire wanted to ensure someone did not have a stash of these lying around.  I think I saw couple forum posts that mentioned sometime the database is not updated to indicate if already acquired so want to double check before click the buy button as these are not cheap.

Was going to focus on 133 onward and also to obtain PSM3 ones as well.  Hoping to find holy grail last PSM3 Issue 161 as really want to read that one.

Found some on ebay:






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Looking forward to an update as well as I have all of the missing original PSMs as well that are currently in storage and am looking forward to shipping them where needed so that library can be closer to completed (though I imagine it's not in as much demand as the bigger mags like Nin Power, etc.)

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5 hours ago, BlitzFitness said:

Looking forward to an update as well as I have all of the missing original PSMs as well that are currently in storage and am looking forward to shipping them where needed so that library can be closer to completed (though I imagine it's not in as much demand as the bigger mags like Nin Power, etc.)

I have many boxes of PSM's i have to sort out for scanning but i have no PSM3's at all. I'll get back to ya and list what PSM's I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have obtained PSM 121, 123, 128, 129 and possibly also 130.

The PSM3 on eBay as just to expensive for US ship and more then mags themselves.  Which is shame as I would have been will to pick these up as many have more modern PS3/PS4 games.  Maybe someone in UK would have better access to these I am hoping.


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I have PSM 97 - 107 that I recently rediscovered in my garage. 102 is a little damaged, but the others are in okay condition. If these would be useful and you'd be willing to cover shipping from California, let me know. Rather they be useful to someone than end up as trash.

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I just got my V600 Epson scanner for scanning front covers, so by this weekend I should have working full setup and be able to go thru workflow of scanning and post cleanup on several computer "Boot" mags.

I should be able to then scan the PSMs from eBay when they arrive.

I would also be willing to help more on PSM scans.  I have a ton of Game Informer's I have obtained as well, I know those don't share here, but wanted these for my personal collection scanned even though I have online sub via Gamestop.  But I can hold off on those.  

Would really love to scan 113, 114, 120 and 125 as keen to read those.

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On 3/26/2022 at 3:17 PM, MigJmz said:

here's what I have on PSM's

26,27,30,39,40,50,65,69,70,71,72,77,78,79,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,98, 99, 100, 101, 108,109,110, 113 , 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 129

MigJmz is your 120 and 125 in pretty good condition?

I ask as the this person on eBay that I bought the missing ones from sent them very well packed and they are in really good condition.  So thinking of obtaining his 120 and 125 issues if we need them, that is, copies we have to scan are not in great shape.   Let me know and if needed I will pull the trigger on those 2 as well.

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  • 1 month later...

If after the current backlog is scanned for PSM, and there happen to be holes in the collection, feel free to reach out via PM on here. I have a complete collection, PSM 1-130, as well as PTOM 1-65, if my memory serves me correctly. I subscribed from issue 8 all the way until the end of the line of PTOM. My only requests would be that they're non destructively scanned, and returned when finished. It's the one magazine collection that means something to me. :)


Funny enough, after a few months of PTOM, I was so bummed out over the change in direction that the magazine had taken, that I donated my entire collection to the local library. Not sure what happened to them, possible someone on here may have ended up with some of them haha. The sense of humor that started in the Game Players era was just gone, fun was sterilized from the magazine after the switch to PTOM. It got better once that editor in chief moved on, but still... a dark time for us PSM loyal.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The Video Game History Foundation scanned the following issues of PSM, so no need to destroy these issues and do duplicate work:

14, 26, 27 ,32, 36, 46, 47, 50, 65, 69 (nice), 70, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78

If someone wants to edit these instead of scanning them again let me know. They were scanned to PDF (with searchable text 😍) but it's easy to work with them in Photoshop. They require a bit of page straightening, minimal editing (from my experience so far) and some colour boosting. It's about the same as editing one of your own scans without the work of having to scan it.

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