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Casino Problems


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My issue has just been that the Cashier button never does anything, I can do all the other functions in the game but clicking cashier doesn't do anything.

Then you just have to close out and it gets the message that you did not log out of your session.

I have had it happen 6-8 times, I'd be a lot richer now if it wern't for that.....


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My issue has just been that the Cashier button never does anything, I can do all the other functions in the game but clicking cashier doesn't do anything.

Then you just have to close out and it gets the message that you did not log out of your session.

I have had it happen 6-8 times, I'd be a lot richer now if it wern't for that.....


Which browser are you using? (Sorry to hear you aren't as rich as you'd like... :))

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  • 5 months later...

oh and i just played assasins poker and i cashed out with 98,000 points and it said i won 17,000 gil, when i went to check how much gil i had it showed me 7,000 and thats Bull crap, i played that game for like 30 min and i got nothing out of it what the hell!

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