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Good evening RetroMags -

I have a bin of my old PC gaming mags available for donation from (1996-2002).

I am located in Alberta, Canada and would rather these go somewhere for preservation than end up in a recycler.

  • PC Gamer (May 1996-Dec 1996 [missing Nov 1996]; Jan 1997-Dec 1997, Jan 1998-Dec 1998; Jan 1999-Dec 1999; Jan 2000-Dec 2000; Jan 2001-Oct 2001; Dec 2002)
  • Computer Gaming World (April 96, Oct 97, April 98, June-Dec 2000; Jan-April 2001; Jun-Aug 2001)
  • PC Accelerator (June 1999-June 2000 [final issue])
  • Incite PC Gaming (issue #1-9; Dec 1999-Aug 2000) w/ CDs
  • Sierra's InterAction (Fall 96, Holiday 96, Spring 97, Fall 97, Holiday 97)
  • Computer Games (Aug 2000, Sept 2000, Nov 2000, Dec 2000, March 2001, Aug 2001)
  • Business 2.0 (July 99, Nov 999)
  • Shift (Dec 1999; issue with Clive Thompson's article on violent games)
  • Misc other Maximum PC, PC games, Windows Sources, PC Game Guides, Online Arena from that time period

Happy to donate if someone is able to commit to scanning and preserving these. Cheers!


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