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What is your magazine collecting holy grail? (Physical or Digital)


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Title says it all...What is your magazine collecting holy grail?

For me it's the digital version of Fangoria 347 & 348. Rumor has it they sold those issues on their website before they went out of business. As of 2018 they are back in print and they are posting all their old issues on their new website (https://www.fangoria.com/archives/) which is awesome for going back and reading issues but those two are still lost in the wild. Did they every exist?

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For me it's not so much a magazine but a store catalogue. Any of the Consumers Distributing catalogues from the 80s and 90s would be my ultimate treasure. Kids in Canada would look through those over and over and over throughout the year. They are very hard to find now and when you do see them they are quite expensive.

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  • 1 month later...

I remember Nintendo putting out this promotional pamphlet for upcoming GCN/GBA games around summer 2003.  I have it somewhere (all I remember is the cover is blue) but it's probably in shit quality and I have no idea where it is.  It had some neat oddities (games like Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy being referred to by their working titles of Sphinx and the Shadow of Set and ESPionage).

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Both of those sound really interesting.

I'm currently trying to dig through my old boxes of stuff searching for my old mail order movie magazines. These magazines (or catalogs more likely) would be mostly for horror movies but it would be interesting to get those scanned and shared out on the site (or somewhere online if they aren't allowed here).

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  On 9/12/2022 at 6:54 PM, mvangord said:

I remember Nintendo putting out this promotional pamphlet for upcoming GCN/GBA games around summer 2003.  It had some neat oddities (games like Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy and Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy being referred to by their working titles of Sphinx and the Shadow of Set and ESPionage).


That's one of my favorite things looking through these old mags. The previews will have games that never came out, games that came out YEARS later (Duke Nukem Forever), and games that would release under a COMPLETELY different title (which Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy/ESPionage is a great example).

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i try not to get nostalgic for paper or cardboard (keeps the cost down when collecting old games!) but i can't quit my love of the first ~75 issues of Nintendo Power. 

my magazine holy grail was to own the first issue of Nintendo Fun Club News. When the price shot up on that and it seemed like it would never be within reach, i shifted and tried to collect all of the Nintendo Power Flash issues (the Canadian equivalent of Fun Club News). Luckily, due to THIS VERY FORUM, there was a kind gentleman from Germany who had a complete set of FCN and NP Flash! i was able to make a deal with him, and i am glad to have them in my collection.

Also, in NP #10, there was an offer for a mail-in exclusive poster ("Team Power Tips"). It took me quite a while to track that one down too. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

I was gonna start a new thread, but I figured WHY NOT NECROPOST ON THIS ONE!!!!

My holy grail isn't one issue but rather the Game Player's line of PC mags leading up to its rebranding as PC Gamer.  And I'm (almost) finished, just one more to go (I now have just as many issues as the VGHF does - we're each missing one (different) issue)

I have every single issue of its early incarnation under various titles:

  • The Game Player's Guide to MS-DOS Computer Games
  • Game Player's MS-DOS Strategy Guide
  • Game Player's PC Buyer's Guide
  • Game Player's PC Strategy Guide

and then it was rebranded as PC Entertainment, which I have every issue of...except for this one, which I've never yet seen for sale, possibly because it ran under a different title despite also being PC Entertainment Vol.6 No.7 :

PC Entertainment  Dec 1993 Vol 6 No 7.jpg

Of course, unlike the rest of you greedy ragamuffin collector-types😉, I don't intend to keep my holy grails to myself.  They get debound, scanned, edited, and shared with all of you because selfishness isn't very holy, is it?  You've gotta be patient, though.  Editing these things right is...extremely time consuming.  But they're coming.

And if anyone gets a lead on the above issue, let me know - it will only benefit yourself in the long run, since it's gonna get scanned if I ever get a hold of it.  (And if you're selling it yourself, I hope you take that into account and cut me a deal. 🙂 Donations are of course welcome as well. 😃)


Edited by kitsunebi
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