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Unauthorized 1980s/90s Strategy Guides


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As a child I remember having Consumer Guide's Hot Tips for Nintendo strategy guide, which I got at the Scholastic Book Fair. Also I remember umpteen Final Fantasy VII guides by various authors, and in the 80s I remember reading a strategy guide for Zelda 2 and Kid Icarus (among other games) which had hand drawn maps instead of screenshots. Anyone remember it / what it was called?

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On 1/10/2023 at 10:48 PM, tcaud said:

As a child I remember having Consumer Guide's Hot Tips for Nintendo strategy guide, which I got at the Scholastic Book Fair. Also I remember umpteen Final Fantasy VII guides by various authors, and in the 80s I remember reading a strategy guide for Zelda 2 and Kid Icarus (among other games) which had hand drawn maps instead of screenshots. Anyone remember it / what it was called?

This is an old post so you probably found your answer already but it sounds like you're talking about the Official Nintendo Player's Guide, it's a black book that covers several dozen classic NES games with loads of item and enemy descriptions, maps, etc. It's basically the precursor to both NP and Nintendo's own strategy guides. While it doesn't have Zelda II (that I recall) it does contain Kid Icarus, the only guide I can think of that does, as well as lots of other older games for the system.

The only alternative I can think of is the NES Atlas, that one covers Zelda II and MIGHT also cover Kid Icarus, I don't quite recall.

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