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Ten Reasons to Buy Windows Vista


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pennconservative writes "Michael Desmond, writing for PCWorld.com, gives us ten reasons to buy the next version of Microsoft Windows. Some of his reasons sound compelling, and it definitely sounds like Microsoft has found yet another way to ensure market dominance for a few more years. Desmond also gives a few reasons not to buy Vista, but the most compelling of those is the hardware required to run it. Since Vista will likely ship on every new computer anyone buys, I don't see that being a major roadblock."slashdot?g=3780


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I don't know. I'm pretty satisfied with Windows XP. Rumor has it that Service Pack 3 is on the way and that it is supposed to make XP even more stable and secure and provide some bug fixes. I honestly don't see myself upgrading my current machine to Vista within the next few years. I just upgraded a machine that I got in 2001 to XP this summer and THAT was a worthwhile upgrade (ME to XP). Millenium Edition was a horrible OS.

Of course if I buy a shiny new multicore PC within the next few years it's pretty much inevitable that Vista will come preinstalled. I kind of agree with the policy of waiting for some bugs to get worked out though (not for it to be cracked though). Even though I am a big fan of cracked software, I'd never use a cracked OS. I depend on my PCs far too much. :P

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