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E3 Memories


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Hey all,

With the official announcement of the death of E3 (The Electronic Entertainment Expo), the once premiere industry event for showcasing all the newest games and gaming hardware, I wanted to see if the community has any memories of the Expo, be it attending in person, reading about it, watching videos about it.  Bonus points if you have any brochures, exhibit guides, or anything that could be uploaded to the site to chronicle the event in all its glory.

For my part, I never got to attend, but I remember subscribing to PlayStation Underground CDs (I still have them) and watching videos about the event, all the previews of new games, and even how the event was set up. Like many of you here, I poured over GamePro and EGM with their special pieces on the event each year, catching glimpses of screenshots from upcoming games.  I eventually studied computer science in the hopes of becoming a game dev, my lifelong dream to be up on stage at E3 presenting my creation.  Unfortunately those dreams never materialized and were finally dashed today, but I hope that the memories of others, whether they be in the form of magazines on this site, videos, or anything else continue to persist for years to come. The pageantry and spectacle will be missed.

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