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Those Bastards Are Doing It Again.


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Nintendo is at it again: next year they will release a Wii in Japan that will play DVDs.

Is it just me or is this becoming a way of business for Nintendo? The article

I say"NINTENDO YOU SUCK" :angry::angry::angry:

One last thing, reportedly the "friend code" for the Wii could be up to one million digits long.

according to the IGN scoop podcast.

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I could care less about DVD playback for the Wii. I have a great DVD player that handles DVD+/-R discs as well as DivX files. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo made the Wii incompatible with rewritable discs in order to combat piracy, which would exclude about half of my movies. ;)

A one million digit friend code sounds like a pretty outrageous rumor to me. Nintendo will make online play as easy to do as they possibly can while still ensuring that it is a "safe" experience. It would be foolish of them to do something that makes it impossible to play with friends online. Let's face it, between Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, it seems like Nintendo is maintaining the strongest focus on pleasing the customer. If nothing else, you can trust that the Wii will be easy to use.

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It's not like you don't have to pay $200.00 (damn near the price of a Wii) for the HD-DVD upgrade on the X-Box 360.

Besides they do that in Japan for the economy of space not for the technological advantage, they have very small homes/apartments and any amount of space they can save is at a premium.

I don't care so much I'll stick to my 3 other DVD players, (not including the PS2 and my computers) because I'd rather use something that was made to play just DVDs and not had it thrown in as an add-on.


If you are wondering why 3, One plays DIVX/XVID, One plays any region/disables macrovision and One is the first player I purchased a 5 disk Sony.

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Those (the GB consoles) were drastic improvements because of a development in the screen technology and manufacturing. This is more of a Panasonic Q (Gamecube that played DVDs) situation where the DVD feature is added for Japan only probably because the demand will be high enough to support the higher price point.


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  • 8 months later...

I can understand why nintendo would want to keep a proprietary file system to prevent piracy, but DVD seems to be a minimum of 'bonuses' for a videogame system nowadays. Heck, you can get a 20.00 dvd player nowadays.

Still, not a big deal if the Wii has it or not, in my humble opinion.

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  • 3 months later...
Nintendo is at it again: next year they will release a Wii in Japan that will play DVDs.

Is it just me or is this becoming a way of business for Nintendo? The article

I say"NINTENDO YOU SUCK" :angry::angry::angry:

They've done it since the original Gameboy (remember the GB pocket?). There was only one GB color model, but that was an upgrade to the GB, and one N64. They've also done many special editions. They know how to keep wringing out money for the same products.

Maybe that's their business model. They count on being able to sale 1.5 systems to each customer.

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  • 1 month later...

I never cared about DVD playback on my Nintendo System, either the Cube or the Wii. When I bought the Cube at Launch, I had 3 DVD Players in my house, 2 DVD drives on my computer and the DVD player hooked to the TV. On Wii Launch day? I have 6, 2 for 2 TVs, 3 for my computer and my PS2(which doesn't work anymore...DAMN SONY!!!) So I never cared about DVD playback, it was just one thing that would jack the price up that most people really don't need.

And I have serious doubts about a million long code, if thats so, thats gonna be the background code that you never see. What you actually put in will be something alot simpler.

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Knowing Nintendo they will probably release a patch and a channel for sale. If most of you are like me, even though I have a DVD player I will probably bu the DVD channel :( if they offer it. Just like the Opera browser.

But it's the same way I feel about Square-Enix. I'm somewhat pissed off at the new releases of Final Fantasy on the PSP. Since I don't have one and I can't get my hands on those games.

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Its just convenient to have I think. Let say your playing a game, and then you want to see a movie, you already have the wii connected, you dont want to disconnected, to connect the DVD player!! you know ?

What kind of sad setup do you have where you have to disconnect your DVD player in order to hook up your Wii?

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  • 1 month later...

I remember when Nintendo 64 first came out, Nintendo sent out only a limited amount of systems. Stores were sold out in a matter of days it seemed. Maybe even faster than that. Everyone wanted their hands on a N64 but Nintendo limited the supply on purpose.

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