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Wii - Poll


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Virtual Console is nothing new, emulators have been around for years and have been perfected well beyond the limited capabilities of Virtual Console. It's just a way for Nintendo to charge you again for a game that you already owned years ago, and the selection isn't even that expansive. A lot of the better games aren't even available, but if you liked "Mario Bros." (not, not Super Mario Bros. which is a different and much superior game), you're in luck. Wii's greatest retro feature is the ability to play Gamecube games (Thank God, imagine playing VC with the "Craptassic Controller"). Other than that, it's cheaper just to go out to a used game shop, buy the old systems, and old games for a few bucks each, and have no limit on what games you can own, and if you get tired of them, you're not required to delete them, you can resell them and get your hard earned money back! O_O What a concept.

I have a Wii, I actually like it even though it only has two or three games that I would be caught dead playing (no different from XBox or PS3, sorry fanboys). It's disappointing that third parties are too incompetent to make games at Nintendo's level of quality, and it's equally disappointing that Nintendo doesn't seem to notice that there's an Internet. Really, who wants to play Pokemon online when they could have made Metroid Prime 3 a direct competitor to Halo 3 just by giving it multi-player and hyping it up on TV. Oh well, flawless controls, Zelda-esque maps, complicated bosses. Still has excellent single-player, but it could have been much, much more then something that you pick up, play for twenty hours or less, then sell to a used games store.

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