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Would you prefer advertisements to be extracted from downloads, or added to the gallery?


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As the topic says, would you prefer advertisements to be extracted from downloads, or added to the gallery?

Trick question - they mean the same thing.  Or at least they're supposed to.  But it's confusing, and several people have pointed it out. 

Extracting the ads means making a copy of the ad pages in a scan so they can be uploaded to our ad galleries.  There's a field in each magazine issue's database entry where the person who uploaded the ads can mark it complete so that other people don't waste their time checking that mag to find ads that have yet to be added.

But right now, that indicator reads: "Advertisements extracted?  YES"

Several people have mentioned that they understood this to mean that the ads had been REMOVED from the scan.  This kind of confusion, we don't need.

It's been proposed (by me) that "Ads added to gallery?" is a less confusing way of saying the same thing, and it uses less characters, to boot (if space were a concern.)

But the only person who can change this is @Phillyman, who so far has been mum on the subject when it's been raised.  If you find "Advertisements extracted" to be misleading, or simply find "ads added to gallery" to sound better, SPEAK UP!  Reply to this post with your preference, and maybe we can see a change!

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No worries (I picked that one up off an Australian friend, and now I use it all the time).  It's all English, this stuff we sprechen.  Adverts added to the gallery is officially in the running.  It's all good, whatever Phillyman chooses (if we can just manage to convince him.)  Well, except for anything using the word "extracted" - that's the contentious bit.

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12 hours ago, kitsunebi said:

As the topic says, would you prefer advertisements to be extracted from downloads, or added to the gallery?

Trick question - they mean the same thing.  Or at least they're supposed to.  

I was wondering about that. I was like "Huh?" But "added to gallery" is much clearer. At least to me.

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Including the votes in the new release thread where this all started, we've got

  • 5 votes for "added"
  • 0 votes for "extracted"
  • 17,605 votes for "I don't read the forums"

It would be nice if @Phillyman would weigh in, though since he's been tagged multiple times in these discussions without response, if can perhaps be assumed that his vote is for "extracted."


Edited by kitsunebi
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