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Phillyman Returns To Retromags!


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As many of you guys may have noticed the forums have been kinda dead lately. Well I would like to appologize about that, Back in August my Girlfriend and myself were hunting for our first apartment together. Since then Phillyman has moved from near Philadelphia to Virginia. It has taken quite a while to get our apartment up and running. As many of you know when you move out of the Parents house , you quickly realize how much stuff you need.

Anyways i am getting off track, I have finally unpacked all my magazines and have them organized by Publisher right now. So that leads to the next question.

When are we gonna see some new releases???

Well right now about 95% of the magazines that Retromags has put out , Are dead links! And the few torrents that are still active , well they have little or no seeders. So right now Phillyman is repackaging the individual years of Nintendo Power. I am in the process of creating .NFO files for approx 150+ Issues! Whats an .NFO? Well its a tiny text file that tells a little bit about the release, and gives users the information about where those scans came from. Since we want to release clean scans without any type of watermark, well we need some way to let people know where to come to find out about more releases.

After the 150+ Nintendo Powers have been re-released with .NFO files, well then i am looking at PSM/EGM for the next challenge. I already own a nice portion of each magazine. I wont be making any further purchases from Ebay for magazines unless its a great deal that cant be passed up. As far as my scanning is going to be, well i am gonna shoot for about 20-30 pages per day. This will equate to 1-2 new releases per week. As always if you want to see more scans we can always use help. Even if you only can scan 1 magazine per month, If we could get 20 solid people that could scan 1 magazine a month , that would be 4-5 releases per week!

1 Magazine = 3-5 pages scanned each day

Any questions feel free to ask!

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Nice to see that you're back.

Just about all of our past material is still being actively distributed at Gay-Porn. I'm still seeding the large Nintendo Power release and 420 has been making great progress with the Nintendo Players Guide project releases with parts 1 and 2 up at google.

If you want to do a large scale re-release of the Nintendo Power issues on a public tracker I'd support that as it may bring more new traffic to the site.

I'm not really able to scan right now but I'd be glad to help with distribution or other things. Just let me know!

Edit: I saw the new torrents you posted at Mininova and am currently seeding them using the previously released files.

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