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Retromags Needs Your Help!


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  • Retromags Curator

Right now on Ebay is the collection of Nintendo Fun Club issues in pretty much mint condition. The Retromags website has $60 of bidding power for this auction. I am looking for 2 members that can donate $20 each. Whoever donates to this cause will recieve the scans of these magazines 90 days before they go public!

Yes thats right, Maybe people think that they dont need to contribute. But out of 1000+ members that are on this website and the countless people leeching the Nintendo Power Collection. If you donate $20 you will recieve these scans 90 days before the remaining 1000+ members on this site

The bidding is at $102+ right now. So help us out and donate to help us out. Show us that this website isnt filled with people that cant give back.

Right now MBJ is the only member that has come forward and given money to help aquire this set of magazines.

The link to donate is below in my signature.

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  • Retromags Curator
Don't need to be rude or nothing but having scans a couple of months before everyone else isn't really much encouragement to make people donate. Why don't you offer them the real copies after you've scanned them in, or something? Or why don't you offer them 'something'?

And if we did this how would we decide who got what issues?

The idea behind donating is that its donating, and we arent getting much on that side right now......so releases will be slow until it picks up

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Incidentally, 420 informed me thast he recently acquired Issue 3 of Nintendo Fun Club and will soon be releasing a full proper set on google.

Regarding donations, I donate to the site because it has the noble goal of preserving retro video game magazines. While other magazines are recognized by libraries nationwide by having their issues bound and preserved for long term storage, video game mags are usually ignored. This project aims to make them freely available to anyone who wants to access them. I support this goal and that is why I have donated in the past. While the idea of owning physical copies is tempting, if I wanted to do that I would bid on these auctions myself. I donate because I support the goal of keeping these publications accessible.

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  • Retromags Curator
Incidentally, 420 informed me thast he recently acquired Issue 3 of Nintendo Fun Club and will soon be releasing a full proper set on UG.

Regarding donations, I donate to the site because it has the noble goal of preserving retro video game magazines. While other magazines are recognized by libraries nationwide by having their issues bound and preserved for long term storage, video game mags are usually ignored. This project aims to make them freely available to anyone who wants to access them. I support this goal and that is why I have donated in the past. While the idea of owning physical copies is tempting, if I wanted to do that I would bid on these auctions myself. I donate because I support the goal of keeping these publications accessible.

Donations help the project move forward faster, But I am am working on the missing issues already, I have bids in on all the missing issues already, Wondering why 420 has been soo distant from the project lately? I hope he isnt going down that same road KMFDManiac and Fuysoa went down.


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