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Guest 420

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It seems to me that there aren't that many people hanging around here anyways , so why would you want to do things to pissoff the few people that do hang out........

I mean first a "Casino TAX" and now this....."You have reached your max win for the day, you will be able to play game after Mar 22 2007, 05:00 PM"

Seriously...I don't get it.

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  • Retromags Curator
It seems to me that there aren't that many people hanging around here anyways , so why would you want to do things to pissoff the few people that do hang out........

I mean first a "Casino TAX" and now this....."You have reached your max win for the day, you will be able to play game after Mar 22 2007, 05:00 PM"

Seriously...I don't get it.

Hmmm the casino tax is there by default on the new version, I increased it because members were winning 1 million gil in 1 session! I am kind of curious why it would piss off anyone? The only place the gil can be used is in the battle system and the arcade. Neither of those seem to be used by you right now anyway? 5000 gil limit on the Casino seems pretty fair to myself, considering you can still win gil in the Arcade. 5000 gil per day would equate to 100 games per day (is that not enough?)

Just trying to make it balanced, not piss people off

I even tried to contact you thru PM to give you back the gil you lost before the upgrade, but you never responded back to me. But i guess i am the bad guy though

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  • Retromags Curator

As far as the forum being dead, dont just complain about it. Give me a solution. I dont see anyone jumping forward saying "Hey I just scanned issue 34 of EGM". So am i to just undertake the whole project myself (purchasing, scanning, editing, distributing, seeding, promoting, and post 10-15 topics a day) in the hopes that maybe one of my members other then MBJ donates a few bucks out of their pocket to help?

I could easily scan 5-7 magazines a week, but whats the reason for doing so? Obviously its not appriciated, as no one is stepping forward to take some of the burden off myself. Did you ever stop to think of the reason why the forum has an Arcade, Casino and Battle system? Its for retention of the users. The Arcade costs gil so that users will post so they can play, Now if some crappy game in the Casino pays out 1 million gil in a 20 minute session, why would a user post when they could play that game once and be set on the forum to play 20,000 games. 420 are you seriously complaining about imaginary money when the 1,675,691 million you just won is in the Bank gaining 3% every week (over 50,000 in interest per week!)

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i think what 420 is complaining about is that he likes to win alot of money in casino, and i do to. it feels like youve achieved something kind of like setting a high score on a game in the arcade. i have enough gil to play alot of games before i need to post again. i think that if something in the forum comes up that i want to discuss then i will post whether i have 1 million gil or none. it feels good to score high in the casino and get paid for it. putting a daily limit sucks. and 420 is right only a few people hang here so putting limits on things and changing arcade rules all the time is kind of frusturating.

not hating just pointing things out, i like the site.

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Cicnird gets it.

You say you are making it balanced but it was balanced before (everyone has the same odds of winning) all this has done is taken away the fun.

And yeah, I don't spend the gil I have.....so what.....mabey I just want to be the richest guy in imaganary town....

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Oh and BTW this stupid new "daily limit" doesn't even work right.

Yeasterday I started with 500, I won 850 (after TAXES), and my wallet suddenly had 5500 in it and the casino is telling me that I have had enough fun for today, go home now....

If it was a real casino that might be fun, but in a pretend casino.......I can't just take my cash and go to the casino next door can I.

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  • Retromags Curator
Oh and BTW this stupid new "daily limit" doesn't even work right.

Yeasterday I started with 500, I won 850 (after TAXES), and my wallet suddenly had 5500 in it and the casino is telling me that I have had enough fun for today, go home now....

If it was a real casino that might be fun, but in a pretend casino.......I can't just take my cash and go to the casino next door can I.

Fine daily limit is gone on how much you can win!

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I think you guys do a pretty good job of this board. I like the new look and to be honest I think that the taxes are good. it does make it fair. I definitely used the heavy object on the space bar on a couple occasions and this way if you want more money then you have to keep coming back. I do however disagree with the 100 game rule. why limit people from playing as much as they want. I know 100 games is a lot but when people are home sick or in my case at work bored I know that I will keep playing games all day. Another thing why is it that it says that I do not have enough posts to play arcade anymore?? Oh well, I like the new look and you guys are doing great!!!

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  • Retromags Curator
I think you guys do a pretty good job of this board. I like the new look and to be honest I think that the taxes are good. it does make it fair. I definitely used the heavy object on the space bar on a couple occasions and this way if you want more money then you have to keep coming back. I do however disagree with the 100 game rule. why limit people from playing as much as they want. I know 100 games is a lot but when people are home sick or in my case at work bored I know that I will keep playing games all day. Another thing why is it that it says that I do not have enough posts to play arcade anymore?? Oh well, I like the new look and you guys are doing great!!!

Whats the 100 game rule? :huh:

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  • Retromags Curator

Admins Need 5 Posts Each Day To Play in The Arcade

Members, Members+ Need 3 Posts Each Day To Play in The Arcade

Moderators, Scanners, Editors, Premium Members Need 1 Posts Each Day To Play in The Arcade

Premium Scanners, Premium Editors, Scanning Gods, Editing Gods .....Need 0 Posts Each Day To Play in The Arcade

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As far as the forum being dead, dont just complain about it. Give me a solution. I dont see anyone jumping forward saying "Hey I just scanned issue 34 of EGM". So am i to just undertake the whole project myself (purchasing, scanning, editing, distributing, seeding, promoting, and post 10-15 topics a day) in the hopes that maybe one of my members other then MBJ donates a few bucks out of their pocket to help?

I could easily scan 5-7 magazines a week, but whats the reason for doing so? Obviously its not appriciated, as no one is stepping forward to take some of the burden off myself.

Perhaps people simply don't know about this.

I joined the forum after finding the Nintendo Power scans on a torrent site along with Mean Machines and a couple of other magazine scans.

But to me it looked like the retromag project seemed to have been abandoned, so I just started scanning my own magazines and uploading them directly to UG, since most of the people here are members there as well.

I certainly know how much time and effort goes into scanning and editing, so I do appreciate the work that several others do very much so.

If there's something I can help with like editing scans or anything, just let me know. I'll be glad to do it in between my own CVG and Sega stuff.

Just remember that I can't promise to do a certain amount per week since I have not enough free time as it is, but I'll do whatever I can whenever I can squeeze in some work. :)

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As far as the forum being dead, dont just complain about it. Give me a solution. I dont see anyone jumping forward saying "Hey I just scanned issue 34 of EGM". So am i to just undertake the whole project myself (purchasing, scanning, editing, distributing, seeding, promoting, and post 10-15 topics a day) in the hopes that maybe one of my members other then MBJ donates a few bucks out of their pocket to help?

I believe that most people come here for scans. Not the forums. The scans should come first. They should be highlighted and held up so the curious people can come here and get them and see what you're all about. Obviously that's a bit unrealistic in terms of server costs, but maybe just host the "latest" issue at a time. That might keep people here and encourage them to donate to be able to get all the older issues. Originally I (like nearly everyone else) came here because of a torrent on mininova. I just wanted to see what else you guys have to offer, instead, all I found was forums. I believe people want to see what you all have been doing, not just some "go to mininova" response. You need something to make this a website and not just a bunch of forums. If you catch my meaning.

As for the attack system and arcade...I don't even bother. JaredKFan knows.. he attacks me all the time haha. It might be entertaining for some people. But in the end it's just part of the forums.

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  • Retromags Curator
I believe that most people come here for scans. Not the forums. The scans should come first. They should be highlighted and held up so the curious people can come here and get them and see what you're all about. Obviously that's a bit unrealistic in terms of server costs, but maybe just host the "latest" issue at a time. That might keep people here and encourage them to donate to be able to get all the older issues. Originally I (like nearly everyone else) came here because of a torrent on mininova. I just wanted to see what else you guys have to offer, instead, all I found was forums. I believe people want to see what you all have been doing, not just some "go to mininova" response. You need something to make this a website and not just a bunch of forums. If you catch my meaning.

As for the attack system and arcade...I don't even bother. JaredKFan knows.. he attacks me all the time haha. It might be entertaining for some people. But in the end it's just part of the forums.

Ah there we go!

This is the information I need to get things going in the right direction. Even though I get 500 Gigs of bandwidth per month for this website, I cannot host the scans here. I dont host them here because of two reasons, The first is that I cannot control people hot linking to the scans and draining my bandwidth, The second reason is that if a publisher decided to shut down my website because of copyright infringement.....they could do it alot easier if they could prove the copyrighted materials were being distributed from this website

Why does it look like this project has been abandoned? Well in the truth it hasnt.....I have been trying to get all the old releases back out and seeded, As far as new scans, Honestly I could seriously release 2-3 magazines per week myself, Trouble is that I am horrible with Photoshop! So while i could scan my heart out, When i release those scans people are gonna bitch about how pages are crooked and such. The Nintendo Power collection came out nicely because we had 2-3 people editing the scans, As you can see 420 was one of my best editors, and has since stopped offering to help clean up the scans. Mr. Slayer has since stopped comming by this site to help also. So I have no one to clean up scans......Its ashame :(

I put no blame on anyone for this, I realize people like 420 and Mr. Slayer may have better things to do with there time. But I cannot do everything. I have a full time job that takes 40 hours of my life just like the rest of you. I also live close to Washington DC which for those who dont know means I am stuck in traffic for 2 hours a day. I also have a loving girlfriend that would rather be next to me on the sofa watching a movie then sitting alone while I am on my computer scanning magazines.

I still believe in this project, and from the very start of this project I have only ever wanted 1 thing........20 People who could scan 1 magazine PER MONTH! Thats roughly scanning 3 pages per day! That would equate out to 4-5 new releases PER WEEK! Is that much to ask? I would think out of 1400+ registered members that we could find 20 people who could spare 2 hours out of a month to help this project.Maybe I am hoping for too much.

As I said before, I cannot purchase , scan , edit , distribute, seed , and promote this site. I am only 1 person! 2 of my 3 moderators dont even frequent this site any longer. I realize some of the blame for this project not taking off does fall on me, I have not compiled a list of what we are missing, or what we have scanned. I have not compiled a list of what issues need rescanning. And I have not compiled a list of the magazines we already have in our possesion. I seem to get 1-2 random people sending me a Personal Message each month stating they would like to help. But they always seem to be all talk and no action. BarbieonWeed is the only person who has actually uploaded something to this site in the past few months.

So I plan to do the following......

1) Compile a List of what has been scanned , and whats missing

2) Compile a List of what I already have in my possesion

3) Try to release 1 magazine per week on my own

If any of you guys have any other suggestions of how I can help make this project more interesting and retain members to help, Feel free to post them!


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Well I think a good start would be to just make a topic where you actually ask for help and where members can offer their services if they seem interested...

Like I said before, I didn't even know you were looking for more people to help out.

The one thing I'm not very good at I have to say is seeding torrents... Where I live the ISP's seem to still be living in the stone-age. I have a hard enough time to try and keep my UG ratio halfway decent. ;)

But on the other hand if you really do want me to help out with cleaning up and resizing scans, let me know.

I wouldn't offer to help out if I wasn't honestly interested in doing this.

I love old game magazines and want to collect as many as I can find, well at least the ones that interest me. (no C64, spectrum and stuff like that)

What I'm wondering though is how strict your editing guidelines are.

Perhaps you could grab one of my Sega Saturn Magazines over at UG and see if they are up to the standard you desire.

I try to clean them up as good as I can, which most of the time works out pretty well. But I'm just unsure what you desire.

Like, when I scan my magazines, I leave the side of the page that is binded mostly like it is, except for tears and other stuff.

That way it retains that magazine look even though it's digitized. Don't know if you like that or not....

You could always send me a couple of test pages, let me do my thing and then see what you like and dislike.

Just let me know what you think. ;)

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The one thing I'm not very good at I have to say is seeding torrents... Where I live the ISP's seem to still be living in the stone-age. I have a hard enough time to try and keep my google ratio halfway decent. ;)

Thanks for your offer to help out meppi!

I honestly don't have time to scan or edit myself but I try to help where I can which is seeding and financial contributions. I have a pretty decent connection (90 kbps up in uTorrent (Comcast advertises 768 k up but I understand that there are notation issues)) with no limit (in theory) so I am constantly seeding. I seed more at google than the public trackers because it is more satisfying to have it added to my ratio and know that seeds are more likely to stick around but I do try to keep the public ones seeded when I can.

Anyway, nice to have you on board!

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The one problem I had back when I was editing for you guys was what to do when I was done lol. I had maybe two mags edited and all purdy...but no where to send them. I think I shared them back on 420s DC++ hub when it was up, but god knows if anyone nabbed them from me. Maybe I started at a bad time =S That being said I'll respond to a few tidbits.

Why does it look like this project has been abandoned?

Because the forums look abandoned. (ok ok, not really, but certainly not bursting forth with activity)

I cannot control people hot linking to the scans and draining my bandwidth

Isn't there a php script that does this? (checks the domain of the computer requesting the file and if it's not retromags.com it gives them the backhand) I'm sure I've seen one somewhere.

The second reason is that if a publisher decided to shut down my website because of copyright infringement.....they could do it alot easier if they could prove the copyrighted materials were being distributed from this website

That wouldn't be so hard to do even if you don't host the files. Especially with the new nfos and whatnot. it's quite obvious what this site is all about and what we (ok, you =] ) do.

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