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April Purchases Thread!


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Since some people have trouble thinking of what to post about, I have started a April Purchases thread. Anything worthwhile that you have bought from a store or ebay feel free to post a picture and show off what you got.

I will start

I bought myself something I havent seen in probably 10+ years. The Sega Channel Adapter! For those who dont remember Suburban Cable had a service where for a monthly fee you could play Sega Genesis games from over your cable connection. It included a menu system where you could try demos of games that hadnt come out yet, or read up on news/codes for the Genesis. I can still remember playing Comix Zone on this thing. Its the reason I have more SNES games then Genesis games, because I had no need to buy games.

Anyways, Heres a picture of it

Cost $10

Probably gonna post tommorow about how I bought Super Paper Mario :w00t:


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I picked up Super Paper Mario today and just took a break after playing for just over the 2 hours that it took to finish the first chapter. I also downloaded Star Fox 64 on Wii Virtual Console. I plan to buy Pokemon Diamond later this month and possibly track down a copy of Survival Kids on GBC.

Philly: Does that Sega Channel Adapter still do anything or is it simply for nostalgia?

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  • Retromags Curator
Philly: Does that Sega Channel Adapter still do anything or is it simply for nostalgia?

I will have to hook up my Genesis this week and see if i can even get the thing to work, Its mostly for nostalgia

Philly great idea for a thread.

Shamelessly stolen from another site....lol

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After many years I've finally picked up my very first Atari Jaguar solely for Tempest 2000, which off course came with the system.

Doesn't look too hot in screenshots though.


I'm using an RF cable for the moment, but I've already ordered a nice RGB scart cable.

It will probably do wonders for the partical based game. :)

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Previously posted: Super Paper Mario (Wii) & Star Fox 64 (Wii VC)

I have since gotten: Survival Kids (GBC), Pokemon Yellow (GBC), and Punch Out!! (Wii VC)

I'll be picking up Pokemon Diamond on Tuesday as I have a fully paid pre-order at Gamestop.

I'll also probably buy Zelda II on Virtual Console as that is supposed to be available soon and I never made it very far on that game in the past. Finally, if Actraiser is released for VC here in the states as it was abroad I'll be very tempted to get it.

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This (and last) month I managed to pick up the following:

3DO system + 2 controllers + hookups, Way of the Warrior

Turbografx System with A/V but no power cord, 5player multi-tap, and 3 controllers, Cadash

PSX (55001), two controllers + hookups

Dreamcast with hookups but no controllers/memcards, two games

Sega genesis with pretty much everything and maybe 8 games

Atari 800 and 130xl (both with a ton of games and accessories)

can you believe the total for all that was only ~55$? God I love craig's list.

Also managed to grab a PS2, 2 controllers, ~5games for 40$, but I sold most of that stuff

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