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Perhaps this should go in the game reviews section, but I don't think a rave is worthy of being called a review. Just wondering if any of you out there in Nintendo-land have got around to playing okami on the PS2.

It's seriously revived the worth of my PS2 (for me). It's been a long time since I've found a game that really consumes me. the game sort of reminds me of Zelda:OoT (it's been called "zelda-killer" and PSM calls it "the Playstation answer to Legends of Zelda") but it certainly has it's differences. Also it's graphic style is just to die for...

Anyway I could probably go on forever about it, but if you have a ps2 and some spare monies, go buy okami now! especially if you enjoy zelda-type games

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Just order this and God Hand a couple of days ago now that they were both discounted to ?23. :D

I'm expecting them to show up in the next few days.

But my Pal and Japanese PS2's are both stored away right now,and I don't feel like getting them set up really.

Perhaps in a couple of months when I take my long overdue 4 week vacation. :P

Right now I have plenty of stuff to entertain me with a Wii, Saturn, DreamCast and Neo-Geo connected to the main tv.

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Ah i have god hand just sitting waiting to be played. It's supposed to be great. Have you seen the Videogaiden review of it? made me laugh a few times:

I'm so sad that Clover is gone. I would love to see a second Okami... but now that Clover is gone there either won't be one or it'll be a real crappy one. :cry: :clover:

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Yeah, Viewtiful Joe is great. Have both games on the GameCube and also the one on the DS, but the DS one and the second GC game are still on my backlog... :unsure:

The game is not as easy to get in as you might think, but once you get the hang of it, it really is lots of fun.

I'm also thinking about picking up VJ Red Hot Rumble, but I'm not sure if it's any good.

Hopefully it's a bit in the same vein as Power Stone on DreamCast.

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