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Getting Rid Of My Old Magazines


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Hi, the reason I registered was to say that I have some old mags lying around doing nothing but consuming closet space, and I would be more than happy to donate these (i.e. sell them for shipping costs only).

The mags I have are:

  • Mean Machines Sega (UK): #1 (OCT92) - #27 (JAN94)
    Bits and pieces of these (a handful of reviews only at this time) are online already at meanmachinesmag.co.uk
  • CVG (Computer & Video Games) (UK): #131 (OCT92) - #145 (DEC93)
  • EGM (US) #41 (DEC92), #45 (APR93) - #61 (AUG94)
  • Video Games & Computer Entertainment (US): March 93, May 93, June 93
  • Mega Force (NL/BE) (in Dutch) #6 (Summer 92)
  • Mega Force (FR) (in French) #10 (OCT92), #20 (SEP93) - #24 (JAN94)
  • Sega Pro (UK) #20 ("Special Issue", JUN93)
  • Sega Magazine (NL) (in Dutch) #2 (APR93)
  • Computer Gaming World (US) #131 (JUN95)
  • 4 Dutch-language mini-mags that were sent as part of the official Sega Club in Belgium

Most of these come with supplements (like the Go! handheld-only mini-mag that came with CVG, and the Sega Force mini-mag that came with EGM).

Obviously the combined mags do weigh quite a bit, making for fairly expensive shipping to the US (see here); for the full set of magazines, the weight is about 27kg, so it would be €104 (approx $140). If I can't fit all of them in a package that's within the size bounds for a single parcel, I may have to split them up; in that case the cost would be €52 + €78 = €130 (approx $175). That's without insurance - you REALLY don't want to know the prices for shipping options that include insurance.

Obviously if you're only interested in specific mags, the shipping price drops (for reference, the MMS mags weigh 9kg, EGM 8.4kg, CVG 5.1kg and the rest 4.1kg). Similarly, if there's a scanner located in the EU, that would make the prices drop as well.

Update: All magazines are now gone, sent to meppi for scanning.

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Oh, Dutch magazines. I'm getting the feeling you're from Belgium and not from Holland. :)

The thing is, so am I. ;)

Perhaps we could work something out.

I don't have a car, but if you live in the neighbourhood of Gent I could possibly arrange to pick them up myself. ^_^

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Oh, Dutch magazines. I'm getting the feeling you're from Belgium and not from Holland. :)

The thing is, so am I. ;)

Perhaps we could work something out.

I don't have a car, but if you live in the neighbourhood of Gent I could possibly arrange to pick them up myself. ^_^

Sorry voor de trage reactie; ik woon in Mechelen (en werk in Kontich); geen van beide is echt dicht bij Gent vrees ik.

Ik heb zelf ook geen wagen (of rijbewijs) dus ik vrees dat afleveren ook niet echt een optie is).

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Ah, geen probleem.

Heb je soms enig idee hoeveel het zou kosten om ze te verzenden in een doos of zo? Want het zijn er nogal veel.

Als je geintereseert bent in gescande magazines stuur dan even een email adress naar mijn pm box. Dan zend ik een uitnodiging voor underground gamer, als je daar nog geen lid bent natuurlijk. ;)

Ik heb daar namelijk al verschillende Sega Saturn en CVGs voor gescand en geupt, en er staat daar nog veel meer online.

Is wel een torrent site waar je een deftig ratio moet houden om niet gebant te worden, en das niet altijd even makkelijk met de belgische isp's he.

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  • Retromags Curator

Hey, Thanks for the offer! But unfortunately we have $0.00 in the Retromags fund right now. Even if we did have the money it probably wouldnt be used to ship magazines half way across the world, I hope to one day have scanners across the world be able to accept magazine donations from anyone. Thanks for the offer though :)

Oh and english please......other languages can be used thru PM systems ;)

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Ah, geen probleem.

Heb je soms enig idee hoeveel het zou kosten om ze te verzenden in een doos of zo? Want het zijn er nogal veel.

Als je geintereseert bent in gescande magazines stuur dan even een email adress naar mijn pm box. Dan zend ik een uitnodiging voor Gay-Porn, als je daar nog geen lid bent natuurlijk. ;)

Ik heb daar namelijk al verschillende Sega Saturn en CVGs voor gescand en geupt, en er staat daar nog veel meer online.

Is wel een torrent site waar je een deftig ratio moet houden om niet gebant te worden, en das niet altijd even makkelijk met de belgische isp's he.

(switching back to English)

I'm not a google member, but not that interested in mag scans, so I'll pass on the invite (and my bandwidth limit is more than taxed by my current use, so maintaining a torrent ratio on top of that would not be very feasible anyway).

As for shipping costs within the country:

- EUR 12.90 for one parcel up to 10kg

- EUR 17.20 for one parcel up to 20kg

- EUR 21.50 for one parcel up to 30kg

So the total cost would depend on a) whether or not I can fit them securely in a single box, and/or B) whether you want them all or a subset.

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Ah, that's not too bad actually. :)

Let me see, the ones I'm definitely interested in and which I would certainly scan also after I'm done with my CVG, Saturn and DreamCast set are the following:

CVG (Computer & Video Games) (UK): #131 (OCT92) - #145 (DEC93)

EGM (US) #41 (DEC92), #45 (APR93) - #61 (AUG94)

Mega Force (NL/BE) (in Dutch) #6 (Summer 92)

Mega Force (FR) (in French) #10 (OCT92), #20 (SEP93) - #24 (JAN94)

Sega Pro (UK) #20 ("Special Issue", JUN93)

Sega Magazine (NL) (in Dutch) #2 (APR93)

4 Dutch-language mini-mags that were sent as part of the official Sega Club in Belgium

I already have the full Mean Machine Sega scan set, otherwise I would have loved those as well. :D

Let me know how this works out for you, or if I should remove a couple more.

Also something I would like to ask you, but this isn't necessary if it's too much trouble. It's just something that would be much more convenient for myself.

I work during the daytime, so I'm wondering if it would be possible to hold off a bit before you send them, at least until I go on my 2 week break.

That way I'm sure to be home when the package is delivered which sometimes is a bit of a problem when I receive mail-orders but the postman doesn't want to deliver it next door.

My break starts the week of June 5th.

If that doesn't work for you I could always give you the adres of a family member, so just let me know. ;)

Anyway, thanks a lot for doing this! I love these old Sega and Nintendo mags. So you're sure they are in good hands, and there are quite a few people interested in the scans as well, so you're not only making me happy. :D

Let me know if you prefer that I make the payment through a bank transfer or with Paypal or anything. Perhaps you could then send the account number through a PM.

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Ah, that's not too bad actually. :)

Let me see, the ones I'm definitely interested in and which I would certainly scan also after I'm done with my CVG, Saturn and DreamCast set are the following:

CVG (Computer & Video Games) (UK): #131 (OCT92) - #145 (DEC93)

EGM (US) #41 (DEC92), #45 (APR93) - #61 (AUG94)

Mega Force (NL/BE) (in Dutch) #6 (Summer 92)

Mega Force (FR) (in French) #10 (OCT92), #20 (SEP93) - #24 (JAN94)

Sega Pro (UK) #20 ("Special Issue", JUN93)

Sega Magazine (NL) (in Dutch) #2 (APR93)

4 Dutch-language mini-mags that were sent as part of the official Sega Club in Belgium

I already have the full Mean Machine Sega scan set, otherwise I would have loved those as well. :D

Let me know how this works out for you, or if I should remove a couple more.

Also something I would like to ask you, but this isn't necessary if it's too much trouble. It's just something that would be much more convenient for myself.

I work during the daytime, so I'm wondering if it would be possible to hold off a bit before you send them, at least until I go on my 2 week break.

That way I'm sure to be home when the package is delivered which sometimes is a bit of a problem when I receive mail-orders but the postman doesn't want to deliver it next door.

My break starts the week of June 5th.

If that doesn't work for you I could always give you the adres of a family member, so just let me know. ;)

Anyway, thanks a lot for doing this! I love these old Sega and Nintendo mags. So you're sure they are in good hands, and there are quite a few people interested in the scans as well, so you're not only making me happy. :D

Let me know if you prefer that I make the payment through a bank transfer or with Paypal or anything. Perhaps you could then send the account number through a PM.

Holding off is fine, these have been sitting in a closet for years, a few more weeks isn't a problem :)

I'll probably look into packing them up next weekend. I should be able to fit that set into a single box, and weight should be under 20kg (I'll throw in the few other non-MMS mags you left out if they don't bump the weight past 20kg), so shipping will probably be ?17.20 - I'll PM you final cost & my PayPal address when I send them out.

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