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Wrapping Up Loose Ends!


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Anyone who helps us out with missing posters/covers will be granted Premium Memberships! Wanted to help but felt a whole magazine was a daunting task? Well for every poster or set of covers that Retromags is currently missing will get you a month's worth of Premium Membership! If a issue is missing covers and the posters you will recieve a month for each you submit! That means you can get a full years worth of being a Premium Member for only 12 posters submitted!

Please post in this thread as to what you are going to contribute, So that we dont have 3-4 people scanning the same poster or set of covers.

Issues Missing Covers!* COMPLETED!

Nintendo Power Issue 121

Nintendo Power Issue 122

Nintendo Power Issue 126

Nintendo Power Issue 128 (Thanks Potatoguy)

Nintendo Power Issue 135

Nintendo Power Issue 136

Nintendo Power Issue 138

Nintendo Power Issue 139

Issues Missing Posters!*

Nintendo Power Issue 90

Nintendo Power Issue 92 (Thanks RetroDragon)

Nintendo Power Issue 111

Nintendo Power Issue 113

Nintendo Power Issue 114

Nintendo Power Issue 115

Nintendo Power Issue 116

Nintendo Power Issue 117

Nintendo Power Issue 118

Nintendo Power Issue 119 (Thanks RetroDragon)

Nintendo Power Issue 121

Nintendo Power Issue 122

Nintendo Power Issue 123

Nintendo Power Issue 124

Nintendo Power Issue 125

Nintendo Power Issue 126

Nintendo Power Issue 127

Nintendo Power Issue 128

Nintendo Power Issue 129

Nintendo Power Issue 130

Nintendo Power Issue 135

Nintendo Power Issue 136

Nintendo Power Issue 137 (Thanks ninjagowoowoo)

Nintendo Power Issue 138

Nintendo Power Issue 139

Nintendo Power Issue 140

Nintendo Power Issue 142

Nintendo Power Issue 143

Nintendo Power Issue 144

Nintendo Power Issue 145 (Thanks Clerk37)

Nintendo Power Issue 146 (Thanks ninjagowoowoo)

Nintendo Power Issue 147

Missing Issues

Nintendo Power Issue 150

Nintendo Power Issue 152

Nintendo Power Issue 153

Nintendo Power Issue 155

*Posters are 6 scanned pages, Covers are 4 scanned pages. Please scan at 48-Bit color, 300dpi, and 1800x2400 (or the best settings your scanner can produce)

Italics Denote Phillyman has this issue but has yet to scan the missing parts

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i sent you links to joined poster(s) for issue 137 (looks like one of them was resized or compressed or something, I'll re-up it)

also i found an issue of 146 that has TWO posters, yes two of the same poster...so I'll be getting those to you soon.

edit: scans done I'll pm you with links Philly...

For those interested:

137 links:



146 links:



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out of what you don't own, i have:

92 I have the boba fett cover, not sure whats floating around so far.



140 w/ Magi Nation advertisement. (and card somewhere too if i look hard enough.)



When i was going through the crate i found some loose stuff. maybe some of interest?

Super Power Supplies Insert:

Winter 1996

Spring 1997

Fall 1997

Winter 1997

Spring 1998

Winter 1998

Summer 2000

Winter 2000

^^some of the super power stamps are cut out.^^

Pokemon Power Insert 1(aug 98)-6(jan99)

N64 Power Tips (bonus 38 page issue.)

Previews '99 +top tips '98 subscriber bonus.

Also found some old Inquest mags. lol forgot about those.

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the resolution of the actual file is at 2382X3096 but i shrunk it for image shack. do you want what i have so far? i have the cover, the outside flap, the back cover, the inside back cover, and the first page of the poster. looks good to me, eh? do you have aim or anything or somewhere i can toss these up? i didnt do anymore cause that other guy posted he was working on it.

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i really dont care. i'm going to scan the rest of 128, you can do so as well. if yours looks better then use it. it really doesnt matter who does it or who gets credit as long as the quality rocks. so if a few of your pages are in better condition i would hope those would get used over mine, eh? same thing goes for all the rest. when scans start rolling in and one of my mags seems to be in better condition then what was provided i'll take the time to scan whatever pages to make it better quality. but i'm ready to rock today, i'm awake and i hope to slam out quite a few or all of these today.

RetroDragon/Phillyman: do you know what covers are out there so far for issue 92? i can add the boba fett one if needed. just curious.

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I wonder if it would be worth it to start to send out some quick messages to see if anyone has the other two. there have been butt tons of people that have downloaded the collections. maybe try at google? just to see if anyone has them. or i guess if they get tracked down it would be easy to crack open the cbz and update it with the new covers.

i seem to remember a few other issues that might have two covers but now that i'm really thinking about it i think that was Inquest. nevermind.

also note: poster from issue 144 (DW3) is done and edited. working on issue 143 next (mario party 3). i'll up what i have somewhere so philly can take a look at it and let me know if its good to go. these upload site suck. its going to take an hour to up it. weak.

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Hello Phillyman,

If I read correctly for the list of stuff you listed according to everyone's reply's there are only four issues that someone has not allready said they have and are able to scan. If this is correct I should have access to issues the following three issues and would be more than happy to scan the posters. I may also be able to get to issue 90 to scan the cover but right now it's in storage so that one probably wouldn't be unless no one else has access to it before I can get it out of storage. The other three issues listed below I should be able to borrow from my bro and scan this weekend. All scans would be at the highest resolution I can get out of my scanner.

Nintendo Power Issue 125

Nintendo Power Issue 142

Nintendo Power Issue 147

Would be glad to finally get to contribute scans of something.



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22 minutes ago, smalltownguy2 said:

I have a complete collection of NP mags. I can help with this project.

Welcome to Retromags!  It's great that you want to help. 

You may not have noticed, but the most recent post in this thread is from 11 years ago, so it's probable that none of the information here is up to date. First you'll want to find out if any of this stuff is actually still needed or not.

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