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Phillyman's Work In Progress...


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@E-Day @Phillyman Hey guys, as I mentioned, I'm going to be scanning all but issues #5 and 6 of Games for Windows.  I don't want to step on anyone's toes, though.  I realize Philly has just scanned a few more of them, so if you feel like it would be a waste not to edit those, then by all means, go ahead and I can keep mine just at OGM and Archive.  If you decide it would be better for E-Day to focus on editing other stuff instead, that's fine, too - I'm going to be scanning them regardless.  I've already finished the first issue (geez, for such a short mag, there were 23 different background joins!) if you want to take a look.  I can upload it here if you like, or you can finish up your own copy - let me know which you'd prefer.


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2 hours ago, E-Day said:

I'll be editing them as uninteresting as they are to me. It's so hard to get him to scan anything that I don't want them to be scanned for nothing

So you don't want my scan then, right? 😢  I felt the same as you actually.  I had bought a set of (nearly) the complete run off of eBay, had them sent to my parents, and then carried them back to Japan with me on the plane the last time I visited home, for the sole purpose of scanning them (although I'm not averse to PC gaming mags, these are too new to be of interest to me).  So for me to not scan them would be a huge waste of my money and effort.

I was hoping my scan/edit would be good enough to use and that maybe you'd be relieved not to have to edit together those 23 joins (seriously - that's 46 pages, nearly 1/3 of the mag), but I get it, it's you guys' site, might as well use your own scans.  And though I worked really hard on it, it's not a total waste of my efforts - people can still get my copy elsewhere if they prefer it or just want it right now.

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  • 5 weeks later...
23 minutes ago, Phillyman said:

Box H1 on my Inventory sheet is going to be chopped up and scanned this week. Anything already preserved will be listed for sale in the Retromags store or set aside for blindboxes.

The only issue of Games for Windows I'm not scanning is #5, which is conveniently in that box. 🙂  The other 2 in that box have already been scanned (one I've already uploaded, and the other is waiting to be edited).


Btw, that word "chopped" gives me chills, especially as I'm neck-deep in trying to edit together all of the 2-page ads in the gallery, most of which have been "chopped" to blazes. 😫

Looking forward to the Hero Illustrateds.

Edited by kitsunebi
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