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Retromags Positions!


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  • Retromags Curator

Retromags is looking for help in the following area's, Once all these positions have been filled we can expect 4-6 new releases each week! We need people that can constantly deliver!

10 Scanners

Retromags needs 10 people with either a flatbed scanner or autofeeding scanner (prefered), that will be able to scan at least one (1) full magazine per month for release (please no magazines under 5 years old)


  • Remove any address labels using a hair dryer
  • Remove any cardboard subscription cards
  • Scan at least 1 Magazine Each Month
  • Upload Unedited Scans to FTP

10 Editors

Retromags needs 10 people that are good with photo editing software that are able to edit at least one (1) full magazine per month for release.


  • Grab unedited scans from FTP
  • Edit at least 1 Magazine Each Month (crop, rotate, resize, fix brightness/contrast/colors)
  • Upload Edited Scans Back To FTP in .CBR format

4 Distributors

Retromags needs 4 people that have a working knowledge of how to create torrents and have a decent upload ISP speed. Working knowlege and access to Newsgroups is a plus. Also a understanding of Rapidshare is a plus. Needs to be able to create at least one (1) new release per week, and ability to seed that release for 1 week.


  • Grab Edited Scans from FTP each week
  • Create NFO File for each magazine
  • Release at least 1 magazine per week
  • Seed Torrent for at least 1 week
  • Upload Magazine to Rapidshare
  • Upload Magazine to Newsgroups (optional)
  • Keep Release Section Updated

3 Converters

Retromags needs 3 people that are good with creating adobe acrobat files (.pdf) and have access to Adobe Acrobat software for creating at least 1 conversion per week


  • Grab Edited CBR Version Magazine Off FTP
  • Convert at least 1 CBR magazine into PDF format per week
  • Create Hot linked Table of Contents
  • Upload PDF Version Back to FTP

5 Indexers

Retromags needs at least 5 people that can go thru our released magazines and index the contents of at least two (2) releases per week on the Retromags Wiki.


  • Index contents of two (2) Magazines Per week on Wiki.

Contact myself if you can fulfill any of these positions. :grin:

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  • Retromags Curator

To elaborate further on the post above, Retromags on average gets (1) one person every other month it seems that wants to help out. Out of 1000+ members this is not a pleasing number. What I see happening is that a person comes here and is eager to help out, but they get burned out and stop helping after a month of not seeing anyone else extend a helping hand. The positions I created above are very reasonable and should not be terribly hard on any member to fulfill.

Your help has a 100% impact on how many new releases there are! If you check out my WIP thread you will see that over the past 4 days I have debinded and scanned 8 full magazines. That is 66% of what I am asking to be scanned in 1 year by 10 members! Right now the Retromags team has 4 people out of the 32 I would like to see helping out. I want this site to be fun and interesting for each of you guys. I didnt make this site to get rich, I made this site to give back to the Emulation Community! If I had a stronger programming background I would be lending my skills to help develop emulators. This site was made to complement the already great projects out there scanning box art, manuals, game guides...etc.

I dont want anyone to have to burden more then there fair share, This project should be like an assembly line, where each person does there own little part to help out and adds to what the previous person has done. None of the positions listed above should take any longer then a few hours of your time each month.


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What I see happening is that a person comes here and is eager to help out, but they get burned out and stop helping after a month of not seeing anyone else extend a helping hand.

That's so very true.

I simply scan my own CVG's and Sega Saturn magazines because I love them so much and don't want them to get lost in time.

So for me it's not a problem, I'm doing them anyway.

The magazine industry is somewhat of an annoying part of the whole videogame industry. At least that's the way I see it.

Let me explain.

Over the course of growing up you tend to have read many magazines and they have in one way or another become a part of your gaming heritage.

Now the annoying part is that they either get thrown out, lost, or simply get torn to pieces over the years.

So the best secondary solution is to simply scan them in and share them with other people who are in the same position, or have missed out on all the classic magazines and would love to catch up on them.

UG is great and all, you won't hear me say a bad thing about them. There are many great people over there.

But it's a bit disorganized, at least when concerning magazines.

I know there are several people over there who are interested in contributing to this cause, but like you said, it's too easy to get demotivated. Especially when you put lots of effort and detail into your work and get little in return.

That's why I jumped on the opportunity to try and be a part of the retromags "revival", if I can call it that. :unsure:

We have the possibility to get a bunch of people together and set up a nice little project where everyone will find something they love. :)

I'm not that good in distributing thanks to my lousy ISP.

But I have a bunch of classic magazines left to scan, and you can count me in on the editing part as well.

I don't mind editing scans if it helps move things forward, it does take time away from my ability to scan my own mags, but they'll get done in time. ;)

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4 Distributors

Retromags needs 4 people that have a working knowledge of how to create torrents and have a decent upload ISP speed. Working knowlege and access to Newsgroups is a plus. Also a understanding of Rapidshare is a plus. Needs to be able to create at least one (1) new release per week, and ability to seed that release for 1 week.


[*]Grab Edited Scans from FTP each week

[*]Create NFO File for each magazine

[*]Release at least 1 magazine per week

[*]Seed Torrent for at least 1 week

[*]Upload Magazine to Rapidshare

[*]Upload Magazine to Newsgroups (optional)

[*]Keep Release Section Updated

I guess that if there are any of these that I would qualify for it would be Distributor. I have a decent ISP upload speed (90 kB/s up), I have experience creating NFO files, and I know how to create torrents. The things that I don't know include using Newsgroups and Rapidshare.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator
Almost makes me wish we had our own tracker.

but that is probably a pipe dream.

We are going to be basically using Underground Gamers tracker since they have a good system in place to keep torrents seeded. Soon I will be disabling all the torrents on Mininova, and all new ones will only stay on Mininova for a week or two before finding permanent residence at UG.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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