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    • Nintendo Power
    • Sega Visions
    • EGM
    • GamePro
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Can't disagree with you on that one. It was my magazine of choice and my family bought it every month, and everyone (me + mother + stepfather) read it. I only bought EGM during a few summers when I was visitng family, and around Christmas (November, December, and sometimes January issues), because they were usually massively thick. I don't think GamePro ever put out a 400+ page issue :). It was a good magazine, but GamePro was definately much better, even if they didn't have the jump on some game info like EGM did.

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I voted for other, as much as I want to see full 'collections' of magazines scanned and uploaded first, being from the UK I would like to see some of the old UK mags I recall being done (though I'm sure some of them would be quite difficult to track down 'Amstrad Action' for one). It'd be nice to see some more of the old Mean Machines era console ones up.

Anyone remember 'Total Control' from about '98/'99? I'm tempted to start on those (once I get the scanner fixed)

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I also love British magazines a lot. Since I grew up on EGM, CVG and the French Joypad, which in retrospect ripped off Mean Machines both in style and attitude.

Got into the OSSM much to late in it's life cycle sadly enough.

But recently I've been discovering many other magazines by EMAP, which I love reading. Which isn't all that surprising since magazines for several console generations were being written by the same bunch of people who moved around between the various mags.

I was very surprised when I found this out but also very happy since I loved reading their articles.

This way I have a whole bunch of new mags with hundreds upon hundreds of articles which I can't wait to read through now. :grin:

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  • 2 months later...

I'm gonna go against the norm, and say Game Players. It was edgy for it's day, and had a great sense of humor.

I may even scan a few issues myself, once I figure out how to get things started here.

EDIT: I have the Jan, May, Jul, and Oct 95 issues in the room with me right now. I'll try scanning them, and see if I have any more.

Edited by Botman
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what about expertgamers? I read this magazine a long time ago and it's really good.....got any year 98 issues?

Yeah. Quick question about that. Once we get more then 5 EGM²/ExpertGamer/GameNOW issues, will they be considered the same, or separate magazines?

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