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Whats Going On.....


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  • Retromags Curator

I just thought I would tell you guys how I plan to progress on this website with the following months. I am going to be scanning 90% of the time. My Goal is to scan 150 magazines in 12 weeks. My WIP thread is going to be jumping with posts about my progress, Currently I am 16 scans into this goal. I am planning to create a huge backflow of magazines for release. So what does that mean for the releases? I will be releasing 1-2 magazines per week....most likely on the weekends. Any one of you guys is more then welcome to step forward and take on the task of releasing more then that! Below is how it is gonna break down.....


Aquiring Magazines

Debinding Magazines

Scanning Magazines

Error Checking For Missing/Crooked Pages

Resizing The Scans

Renaming The Scans

Collating The Scans

Moving To The FTP

10% (People are more then welcome to help with this)

Grabbing the Scans off The FTP

Creating A Rar File Out Of The Scans

Renaming The file into a .cbr (following retromags standard naming convension)

Creating an .nfo file (detailing down information about the release)

Placing the .nfo and .cbr into a folder (using Retromags naming convention)

Creating a Torrent out of that folder

Uploading the Torrent to Mininova

Messaging Phillyman the link to the release

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Grabbing the Scans off The FTP

Creating A Rar File Out Of The Scans

Renaming The file into a .cbr (following retromags standard naming convension)

Creating an .nfo file (detailing down information about the release)

Placing the .nfo and .cbr into a folder (using Retromags naming convention)

Creating a Torrent out of that folder

Uploading the Torrent to Mininova

Messaging Phillyman the link to the release

I can help with distribution but I don't have a ton of time to devote to it. It would help if there was a way that I could be notified when an issue is uploaded to the FTP and ready for distribution. Is everything labeled as 100% in your Work In Progress thread available on the FTP?

Also, are we doing away with the editing process and just releasing raw for now?

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  • Retromags Curator
I can help with distribution but I don't have a ton of time to devote to it. It would help if there was a way that I could be notified when an issue is uploaded to the FTP and ready for distribution. Is everything labeled as 100% in your Work In Progress thread available on the FTP?

Also, are we doing away with the editing process and just releasing raw for now?

Yes when an issue shows up as 100% scanned, that issue should be on the FTP. As far as releasing edited scans.....Until we get a few more people on board that can help with the editing, we will be releasing out raw scans. Retromags draws almost all of its traffic from the releases, so if we dont release because an issue hasnt been edited....we will be waiting quite a while and the traffic will suffer. I would rather release out magazines in a raw state, and then as we aquire a team of editors we can go back and work on cleaning up those scans.

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