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Anybody Remember "gamefan"?


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Ah yes, I remember Gamefan. That was one of my favorite magazines of all time. While the writing not might have been the most professional, they genuinely came across as if they were one of your close friends getting excited for a really cool game. Their import coverage was also second to none. If you want to know alot about what went on behind the scenes, here's a link, http://www.the-nextlevel.com/board/showthr...ghlight=gamefan. Alot of the guys who worked on the mag over the years shared some unbelievable stories there.

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They ran from the early 90s to 2000. Dave Halverson was the man behind it all (its said he even reviewed games as multiple people from time to time). It started out as a catalog for DieHard Gamefan stores in California before morphing into a magazine. The magazine was great and unlike any other because of the focus it had on import gaming and the fact that it was run by enthusiasts and not just journalists.

Around the 98 - 99 timeframe Eric Mylonas took over when the mag was bought by a larger company. That didnt last (alot of turmoil went on from what I understand) and he started an even more hardcore mag called GameGo! which in turn lasted 1 issue. He works on strategy guides now.

Dave Halverson moved on to Gamers Republic Magazine for about 3 - 4 years (Id have to look) and currently he runs Play magazine.

I have an almost complete collection of Gamefans and have often thought of scanning them but because of the unusual binding shape it would be hell on them and I dont want to mess them up.

Anyway prob more info then anyone needs but I did love that magazine so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's one of the many multi format mags that we had in the shops here in Holland, but at that time I was more interested in the UK mags. From what you are writing, it sounds like I missed something really good. It's always fun to read background information on magazines, even if you have never read them.

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Ah, Holland. I'm from Belgium myself. :grin:

I also remember seeing GameFan magazine in the shops, but I always bought EGM. Did that for nearly 10 years or so.

recently I've gotten a couple of old GameFan magazines from 1993-94 and it does remind me quite a bit of the old style EGM.

Although the style is different. Much more colourful design and very nice use of screenshots and artwork, at least for the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes! It was my favorite magazine when it was out. It had really great import coverage and they page layouts and paper quality was probably the best of its time. The reviews weren't always the best, but it was still a fun magazine to read and look at.

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A Mag that was in circulation till the mid 90's???

I saved a couple of issues of that. One of them has a racist rant against Asians in a baseball game review that somehow got out before they could catch it. It was the best mag for drooling over screenshots.

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I loved GameFan had to be one of my favorites I loved the artwork in it. I remember the first issue I bought had the Mascot on the cover and it was advertising Zombies Ate my neighbors... I think. It had a gigantic baby on the cover as well.

There are a bunch of Gamefan's on Ebay, but at $15 each I just dont have the $$ to buy them :cry:

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They ran from the early 90s to 2000. Dave Halverson was the man behind it all (its said he even reviewed games as multiple people from time to time). It started out as a catalog for DieHard Gamefan stores in California before morphing into a magazine. The magazine was great and unlike any other because of the focus it had on import gaming and the fact that it was run by enthusiasts and not just journalists.

Around the 98 - 99 timeframe Eric Mylonas took over when the mag was bought by a larger company. That didnt last (alot of turmoil went on from what I understand) and he started an even more hardcore mag called GameGo! which in turn lasted 1 issue. He works on strategy guides now.

Dave Halverson moved on to Gamers Republic Magazine for about 3 - 4 years (Id have to look) and currently he runs Play magazine.

I have an almost complete collection of Gamefans and have often thought of scanning them but because of the unusual binding shape it would be hell on them and I dont want to mess them up.

Anyway prob more info then anyone needs but I did love that magazine so.

Yeah, I remember the ads for 'Die Hard Gamefan' that used to run in some of the older issues of EGM. I really loved that fact that they would load them up with really beautiful scans of character art...and splash images from various games. It was definitely my favorite part of the magazine as a kid. I would constantly go back and ogle the video game character designs over and over :)

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There are a bunch of Gamefan's on Ebay, but at $15 each I just dont have the $$ to buy them :cry:

Yeah I saw that, I would so get on there and start buying them up if I hadn't already spent close to $200 on magazines in the past couple months. I don't know an exact figure so I may be way off but I'll know when I get my statement in the mail.

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There are a bunch of Gamefan's on Ebay, but at $15 each I just dont have the $$ to buy them :cry:

Wow! $15, really? I didn't realize they're fetching that much per issue.

It doesn't matter, I just want to offload what I have, I know I have a couple.

Like the saying goes, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Except, I don't consider these mags trash at all. I'm just letting them go. They were and always will be my favourite video game mag ever. Ah, the memories.

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