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Request For Name Removal On Nintendo Power Releases!


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  • Retromags Curator

With the final oversight of Nintendo Power being worked on, we would like to formally thank each and every person who has contributed to the Retromags project. We will be inserting into each .cbr for the Nintendo Power re-releases a Retromags Thank you page that will appear as the last page of each magazine. All members who have donated funds, donated magazines or donated time will be acknowledged on this page. Of course I do not wish to place anyones name into this thank you page who does not want there contribution publicized.

So this post is going to be 2 things.

1) To notify all members that we will be including a Thank You page with there name listed (on the re-release of Nintendo Power)

2) To allow members to ask for there name not to be included.

Even if your no longer a member of the Retromags team, or your membership has expired, you will still be noted on this page.


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Just a quick question.

Will this one be the final release? For which I mean, will these new releases have everything checked before release? (cropped, alignment, covers touched up if necessary, etc)

Also I've noticed that Raw and complete releases are being put out pretty much indentically.

Would you like to have a new page to include with the raw issues, so people know that those aren't final or something?

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  • Retromags Curator
Just a quick question.

Will this one be the final release? For which I mean, will these new releases have everything checked before release? (cropped, alignment, covers touched up if necessary, etc)

Also I've noticed that Raw and complete releases are being put out pretty much indentically.

Would you like to have a new page to include with the raw issues, so people know that those aren't final or something?

What I would like to do is try this in 2 parts

1) Re-Release all Nintendo Power Torrents in groups of 50 issues, with the following done...... Verifying completeness....Meaning all posters, pages, covers, and supplements have been accounted for. Joining the posters, Also verifying all pages are in the correct order, and doing a standard naming convention with the pages within each .cbr so that each page number matches the actual page number of the magazine. Finally inserting the supplements at the end of each ..cbr and the Retromags Thank You Page.

2) Taking our time, and hopefully when we have a few more people helping out.....Going thru page by page and rotating, croping and rescanning any pages/issues that dont seem to be perfect. Alot of the earlier issues were scanned by just placing the magazine on a Flatbed scanner, We can go back and get better scans if we debind those issues and run them thru again. This part of the project will probably work out to be maybe 1-2 issues per month being perfected for a Final release.

Of course all this is just talk until we get a few people on board that can help us out. I cant even find the 2-3 people I need for doing New releases. I mean if I cant find a couple people who can lend 30 minutes to this project a week distributing the new scans......How can I expect to find 10 editors that can work on getting the Nintendo Power Releases into the final stages.

Right now I am going to be honest and say that I really have too much on my plate to make this site flow as smoothly as possible, From debinding a magazine to releasing that magazine to you guys takes about 4 hours of my time for each release. I am trying to break down the tasks into smaller chunks so that I dont burn myself out. But for those who dont realize how much work it is for 1 person to do everything.....I will break it down as if I started at 6:30

Debinding a 100 Page Magazine = 10 minutes (6:40)

Running 1/2 of a magazine thru an ADF = 20 minutes (7:00)

Running 1/2 of a magazine thru an ADF = 20 minutes (7:20)

Flip the magazine over for even pages

Running 1/2 of a magazine thru an ADF = 20 minutes (7:40)

Running 1/2 of a magazine thru an ADF = 20 minutes (8:00)

Resizing and Collating the even and odd pages = 7 minutes (8:07)

Verify output against physical copy = 10 minutes (8:17)

Transfering Pages to FTP Server = 5 minutes (8:22)

Post in WIP thread = 3 minutes (8:25)

Go thru scans and create an .nfo file = 15 minutes (8:40)

Create a rar file out of scans and rename to cbr = 5 minutes (8:45)

Create folder for torrent and place .nfo and .cbr inside = 5 minutes (8:50)

Create Torrent = 3 minutes (8:53)

Upload Torrent to MN = 5 minutes (8:58)

Create Post in Magazine Section about Release = 5 minutes (9:03)

Change Front Page to reflect new release = 5 minutes (9:08)

So yeah it can get pretty long when you have to do everything yourself, You may say that I am not doing anything while its scanning, but I am actually debinding more magazines so that I can continue to run them thru as fast as possible. Everyone knows people have days where they come home from work and dont want to do crap......well I sort of fell into that these past 2 weeks. I am going to continue to scan magazines and then on the weekends I will place out 2 releases. But it boils down to if you like this project.....Lend a hand.....All I am asking for is a few people to download the scans from the FTP, Rar them up into a CBR, Create an NFO and Make a torrent and upload it all. If you guys want more releases, by all means help us place them out there! We have a backlog of 9 magazines right now that are awaiting someone to release them.


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Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

Burning out is easy to do when you see all the work that you put into this and there seems to be so little response...

I felt the same way for the last 2 weeks tbh. My 2 week vacation is almost over now, but I pretty much didn't do a damn thing besides playing games, working on my swing in Pangya Golf, catching up on my DVD backlog and basically enjoy doing nothing for a change. :D

The whole thing with the ebay guy also didn't help much into getting back into the magazine thing.

For me finishing up a 100 page magazine in great condition can take anywhere from 4-7 hours, but the problem is that doing this for 4 straight hours or more just sucks the fun out of it and makes it less likely that I'll continue the other day.

When you're ready to get to work on the Nintendo Power thing, let me know and I'll start out with the first one and make every release as good as I possibly can.

If that means having to fully edit brand new scans or redo old one, so be it.

In the meanwhile I'll continue with getting the full set of Sega Saturn magazine out there and also edit things like EGM, GamePro, Sega Visions and possibly Diehard Gamefan if we start doing those.

I'm gonna pass on things like XBox magazine and Playstation releases as I probably have way too much work already and those projects don't interest me personally. (It's much harder working on scans that don't have anything interesting in them when you're working on them) That's why I'm son interested in finally moving forward with the Saturn one. :)

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