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Do You Own A Modded Console?

What modded systems do you own?  

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All of my systems are unmodded unless you count replacing the 12 pin connector in my NES to reduce blinking. I've considered getting a GBA/DS flash card but (as old fashioned as it may sound) I'm wary of the sites that sell them online and I just don't want to drop the necessary cash.

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Most of my systems are modded, but probably not in the manner most people think off when talking about mods.

Basically every system that doesn't put out an RGB signal by itself is modded to do so.

From my Super Famicom, Japanese N64, PC-Engine, etc.

The only system that I actually had a mod chip put in was the PSone. Since I wanted to play not only Japanese exclusives titles like Ore No Ryouri or Umihara Kawase Shun, but also all the US released RPGs.

So instead of having to get 3 systems, one for each region, I had my Pal one modded.

But these days I'd rather just by an untouched Japanese system along with a Pal unit instead of having a chip installed. Did this with the PS2 and if there are enough Wii games that stay exclusive to Japan in the future I'll simply get an import system. :happy:

I even go as far as to buy Japanese retro systems and games that I already own as European versions.

As you might have heard, the Pal system screwed us over pretty badly in the past.

So we got games with big black borders as well as games that ran at a 17% slower speed than the US or Japanese versions.

It's a bit like rediscovering the classics.

I couldn't believe the difference when I finally got to play the Japanese version of Waverace 64 a couple of months ago.

Glad those days of bad PAL conversions are over for the most part.

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Does a flash card really consist of a modified GBA/DS? i'm just curious.

I guess it would be a softmod. Just seems an odd selection.

I broke my first playstation trying to mod it, but that was due to being seventeen, dumb, careless, and negligent. (i didn't have a computer, a walkthrough, or any kind of technical knowhow. always a dangerous mix.) Since that, i've steered clear of playing god on my console, for fear of creating another useless abomination to collect dust in my closet.

i was stupid and updated the firmware in my PSP to play Portable Ops...and the idea of a webbrowser (as useless as it is) seemed appealing, so now i can't downgrade it without the fear of bricking the stupid thing. i've almost contemplated buying a second one, although i'm not sure 150-170 bucks is an option right now.

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Except for the Xbox 360 and the Saturn all my system are modded. Even though I have an extensive collection of backups, my tendency goes to buying more and more original games, even for the older vintage systems. When you're young, you to many stupid things with a lack of money and so many games you want to play.

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I'll mod my Wii when there's something that'll retain all of it's normal functionality as well as allow me to install a real operating system rather than that ugly, featureless jokeware. I don't like my computing hardware being designed to lock me out and give me minimum functionality. I don't tolerate it from my PC and I won't tolerate it from a console...

Other than that, I've never really modded a console unless you consider a Gameshark Pro in the parallel port of a Playstation or in the game port of a N64 connected to a PC via cable a mod. That's removable, though, and I never used it for anything that would be considered "illegal" unless you count a screen-shot of Resident Evil 2 as copyright infringement, or searching through memory addresses for just a little more ammo as "illegal reverse engineering", or dumping the ROM of a cartridge to a file then distributing it on the Internet "piracy".

Just kidding about the last one, I didn't even realize that was even possible until years later when I read about it somewhere. I always thought copying hardware devices would be the size of, well, a Xerox machine.

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There are few places I go without my psp with Dark Alex's firmware running all my emulators. I don't even own any psp games, as I'm more into classic gaming. With emulation ranging from atari 2600 up to N64, it's awesome. I also have a gba flash cart with emulators as well. Mobile gaming is fun :)

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Back in the day when I was all about imports (around the SNES - Mega Drive - PS1 - Saturn timeframe) I would mod my stuff to play them. Nowadays I just import the system if there are any games worth getting. Currently this generation the only imports I seem to pick up are handheld so I just dont need to do either at the moment.

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Custom firmware PSP, attempted to mod an old PSX with absolutely no skills and wound up with a royal mess (then I got a Japanese PS2 which made the issue moot). I also took apart my old NES console to see how it ticked when it finally died on me but that's not exactly modding...

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Hmm, I hear that the NES will inevitably "die" because of corrosion on the replacable connector on the inside. I've been thinking about getting one of those as I have to fiddle with clean cartridges for about two hours before the game is in a playable state on screen.

I suppose things would run smoother and with more options on an emulator... but it just doesn't feel the same as using an actual NES.

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Well, yeah. Everything dies sooner or later, but there should still be more than enough working systems to get a replacement.

It's true that nothing beats the real thing.

And for that reason I have both a new, never opened Nes and Snes sitting in a cabinet. :happy:

When all else fails and I can't get a 2nd hand replacement in 30 years or so, I'll open them up. :grin:

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In 30 years or so, they'll probably be worth their weight in gold if you don't open them :P

Odds are that if your cartridges still work at all, you'll have to replace the batteries in order to save. That isn't so bad as watch batteries of that era will use dilithium crystals and will hold your progress for quite a few centuries assuming that the rest of the cartridge doesn't completely biodegrade.

Either that or we'll still have the same boring batteries that we do now.

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They might be worth a lot of money by then, but nothing will compare to letting my grandkids smell that new NES smell for the very first (and most likely last) time. :laughing:

When you see how much things have changed in a mere 30 years, I wouldn't even try to guess what it'll be like in another 30.

Hopefully things like these consoles will still be around by then when we take good care of them.

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