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Do You Own A Modded Console?

What modded systems do you own?  

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    • Saturn
    • Dreamcast
    • PS2
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    • Xbox 360
    • Wii
    • Nintendo DS (Flash Card)
    • Gameboy SP (Flash Card)
    • Playstation Portable (Firmware)
    • Playstation Portable (Chip)
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I got my PS1 chipped back in the day so I could play US imports - living in the UK, there was no way in hell I'd get to see Persona 2 or Parasite Eve any other way. More recently, I got my Xbox softmodded so I could run Emulators and stream stuff from the PC. Strangely, both times, I've only rarely indulged in copied games. A good 90% of the games I have for both are totally legit. It's only games like Final Fantasy Tactics, which most of you will know was notoriously hard to get for a long time (and never released in the UK again) that I've copied.

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I've never been game enough to open any of my consoles to get them modded.

I do have a Supercard for my Gameboy Advance, an R4 for my DS and the Swap Magic discs for the PS2. Much to my chagrin, I haven't yet figured out how to easily play PS1 burnt games on the PS2 yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All my stuff is modded, but I still mostly buy games. In the past I copied everything, but usually only played a game the one initial time I fired it up. I really can't stand 99% of games. I miss the NES era when Nintendo's nazi-like control on the industry resulted in mostly good game releases. Compare that to the shovelware on PS2 and Wii (and the overpriced, pretty but mindless HiDef games on PS3/360).

If I liked a game, I bought it. Now, I just test games via GameFly, and buy the good stuff. The modchips seem like a waste now (and too much of a hassle).

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So do any of you guys own modded systems?

modded consoles are bad. only bad bad ppl play games that are;

- Never released in their region

- Are too rare to find to buy or would never pay money for anyway

- Or if they're now too scratched to play and a backup would be perfect for

- Load faster than they're supposed to

- Etc Etc Etc

Gee who would wanna do a thing like that. Villans, vile vile badguys thats who... =p

I love playing all my faveourite games in the lamest most unsafe possible method.

I think its great when a cd or dvd title is damaged so then i can go buy another one.

Who would want to try a game before they buy it anyway?

Backing up saves on pc is only for genius' anyway.

If you mod your console nobody will buy games anymore and well never see new ones. that will be it for your fave game company. cuz you copied a disc way to go no more NAMCO, SQUARE-ENIX or CAPCOM!

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The thing is, I have a Dreamcast. And spindles of games burnt. Didn't even have to mod that classicness. Only downside is that it's blind now and won't read anything anymore. Besides that I had a xplorer thing for my PSX. STick it in, boot it up with an original ps game, and then swap it. Trick wasn't flawless. The lens was sucky suck.

Also own a XBox, non modded.

A Dreamcast is mostly modded to play all games. Some of the NTSC games wouldnt play on the PAL system. And it saves the boot disc trick for some games. But most people did it to play original import games.

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Yeah Dreamcast and PSP are among some of my favorite systems since you can "mod" with out actually having to open the systems. I suposed GB, GBC, GBA, and DS are the same but still cost $100 investment to play back-ups where as DC and PSP you can play back-ups right out of the box pretty much with just a bit of knowledge on how to do so.

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I work for a major publisher. With that out of the way, I say, yes I have a modded PS2, psp, x-box and everything else.

I do download games, but if somethings good I feel whoever had a hand in making it deserves some recognition for it, and some money, even if most of that money is squandered on publishers, advertising, and failed projects most of which the creative types don't actually get to see.

It is a bit frustrating, admittedly.

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I work for a major publisher. With that out of the way, I say, yes I have a modded PS2, psp, x-box and everything else.

I do download games, but if somethings good I feel whoever had a hand in making it deserves some recognition for it, and some money, even if most of that money is squandered on publishers, advertising, and failed projects most of which the creative types don't actually get to see.

It is a bit frustrating, admittedly.

I totally agree. For a very short time I worked for a small video game publisher which started as just a homebrew company that eventually started making money on the games but it was very little money but still. I totally agree instead of just leeching hard work you should pay for it. Which is exactly why I'm so happy about the Wii. I've taken so many roms over the years I've now I'm paying for the roms, I of course don't have to because like I said I have a fully modded Xbox which I can play what ever games I want to but I really don't enjoy playing my xbox. It is just used as a DVD player only now.

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I totally agree. For a very short time I worked for a small video game publisher which started as just a homebrew company that eventually started making money on the games but it was very little money but still. I totally agree instead of just leeching hard work you should pay for it. Which is exactly why I'm so happy about the Wii. I've taken so many roms over the years I've now I'm paying for the roms, I of course don't have to because like I said I have a fully modded Xbox which I can play what ever games I want to but I really don't enjoy playing my xbox. It is just used as a DVD player only now.

xbox media center is a must

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