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Draconis's Work In Progress


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Hi everyone!

Well, my very first scan ever! I just got EGM today after winning it on ebay. Unfortunately, the back cover's missing, but hopefully we can get it later...

Here's very low res scans of the cover and the first 3 pages




I'm on the constant lookout on where I can get old videogame mags but need them to be cheap as I can't afford much, but I'll share as much as I can.

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1984, wow. Very nice! :w00t:

I'm really looking forward to this one.

If you want help editing the magazine, just give a shout.

As it seems to have quite a bit of tears, but those can be edited with a bit of work lots of patience.

I'm very busy with my own SSM scans right now, but I'll do what I can. ;)

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Thanx Meppi! I'm doing a bit of editing myself and with school and other projects, it's going to be a bit slow, but here's a cleaned up cover as an example of what I have so far..



I'm also constantly scouring ebay for older mags so hopefully I can get more soon.

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Hehe, no problem.

The editing looks just fine btw. Just a small white line at the right side of the 2nd scan and a tiny mark under the Vision text, but otherwise it looks spot on. Great work! :happy:

And don't worry about the speed, I'm scanning in my Sega Saturn mags and the scanning alone takes about an hour and a half, if everything goes smoothly.

But the editing is another thing. Especially with these magazines being so discolored. I wish they were on shiny paper instead of mat paper.

That would have made a big difference.

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Man 1984 is way back......I was 5 years old and wouldnt get to play my Atari 2600 for another 2 years!

I believe this was the year that I finally got my first very own game system. A Popeye Game & Watch.

Been a Nintendo fan ever since. :grin:

I grew up in a pub, so I have been playing arcade games since the age of 3.

Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pacman, Mappy, Elevator Action, Wonder Boy... Oh boy, great memories.

It's only natural I still prefer the classics over the "next gen" stuff. :happy:

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