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Nintendo Power Perfect 10's


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Well... this looks like the thread I should be posting this in.

I need your help.

My roommate was getting all excited that Nintendo Power gave Metroid Prime 3 a perfect 10, I asked him what the big deal was... of course Nintendo is going to give one of it's own big releases a 10.

His response was that Nintendo Power has only given out 2 perfect scores ever... one to Metroid Prime 3, and the other to Resident Evil 4.

I'm darn near certain that Nintendo Power has given out more 10/10 scores, so I bet him $5 that they did.

He's so sure that he's right that he even informed me about this site so I could go swimming through the back issues and look for myself.

I figured it wouldn't hurt to post a help request on the forums and see if anyone knows of other games that got a perfect score from Nintendo Power.

I would have assumed that Mario64 or Zelda: Ocarina of Time would be good candidates, but he says's they both got 9.5's

If anyone knows of other games that scored perfect, please let me know... and if you happen to know what issue they appeared in, that would be great, because I'll have to prove it to me roommate.



(I know you'll be reading this thread Bean... I'm going to win.)

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I'm afraid that you've pretty much lost the bet by default.

See, the thing is that up till a couple of years ago (between 2001 and 2005), Nintendo Power used a different ratings method than the simple 1-10 scale.

Your friend probably already knew this.

They rated graphics, control, game design, satisfaction and sound from 1-10 and then took the average from all of these to give the game a final score.

So it was pretty much impossible in those days to score a 10/10.


Oh, wait... I just read that again....

He said only RE4 and Metroid Prime 3? Guess you won after all. :laughing:

Metroid Prime 1 also got a perfect score it seems, although I don't have a scan of that one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What kind of halfass rating system are they using now? Metroid Prime games are FPS'es without any shape or form of multi-player! For that I revoke 9 points because there goes 99.9% of the replayability and because of that "perfection" claim. If Nintendo is giving it a perfect 10, it's only because they make it, and not because it deserves it, regardless of how grand the single player is. I get the feeling that they only talked it up for hype, which makes them less reputable as reviewers in my opinion because if they do that with their own games, what do they do when they release a Metroid and some other company releases a better FPS on the Nintendo system? Do they talk down the superior game and give it a lower rating so theirs can have the spotlight in their biased magazine?

I'm disappointed, and I'm disappointed with Metroid Prime 3 for lack of any kind of multi-player on a NET CAPABLE system. Perfect 10's, PFFT. Whatever. Every game has it's flaws and Metroid Prime games are no exception. "Prime" being the key word, Nintendo Power is way past theirs.

*SIGH* When will I be able to play a game on the Internet with my Wii that doesn't involve Mario or Pokemon? Here's a rating system for you, first rated M game, or even a rated T game that someone over the age of 12 can enjoy that has Internet play on Wii gets my 10 points, no bias, though I would prefer to be able to find games with hardly any lag, but the lack of these "cartoons" would be a significant impovement.

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I'd agree about the Metroid part if it were a FPS and not a FPA. :tongue: :grin:

About that last part, I really do prefer colour in my games, instead of 3000 shades of brown.

That's why I loved Sega so much back in the day, they always knew how to make games that were actual videogames instead of the gritty reality simulators. :wink:

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  • 2 months later...

I dont understand people blaming some games for lacking an online mode. It's like it's the new standard. How often I hear: I will only rent that game because it has no online feature. I laugh everytime I hear that. I understand the replay value by adding an online part but the video game industry lacked (mostly consoles) for a long time an online connection and that didnt stop the making of great games.

I prefer a great offline or online only game than a half well done offline with an online mode game because they had to split precious dev time to do both.

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