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Maximum The Video Game Magazine


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Allright, time to let the cat out of the bag.

I'm working on something very special right now, but the problem is that I will really need your help on this.

I had been hearing great things about a magazine from 1995 from several people.

Now the problem is that this one only lasted 6 issues and was only available in the UK as far as I'm aware.

I've been looking for issues without success until a good friend of mine located one and shipped it to me.

Well today it has arrived and now I finally understand what all the fuss is about.


You know how many times you've heard people try to convince you that something is "by gamers, for gamers"? Well in this case that's exactly what it is.

This is a magazine aimed squarely at the hardcore gamers of that time. (no not the kind of idiots that go on and on about how just about every single game sucks for one reason or another, or that try to convince you that they are better than you in one pathetic way or another :tongue: )

No this was about real gamers, people that love the purity of the games and not just the amount of polygons it uses.

So sadly enough, it isn't all that surprising that the magazine failed in the mass market at the start of the "Playstation generation", if you know what I mean.

It's a magazine that isn't afraid to delve deep into the gameplay and spend many pages going into tiny details. Even going as far as to translate the winning or losing quotes of the Virtua Fighter 2 characters when needed, just to give an example.

You know most magazines always have a certain number of pages that you love to read and the rest you simply skip?

Well for some reason this one seems to have packed pretty much every page with things that are worth to read, making it a pleasure instead of a chore to read it from cover to cover.

Unsurprisingly the pedigree of this magazine runs through the Official Saturn Magazine, Mean Machines among others.

I have just started to scan Issue 2, so with a bit of luck it should see a release next week or so.

The sad part is that that's the only issue I've got, and it doesn't look like there are others soon to follow. :unhappy:

So if there's anyone out there in possession of issue 1,3,4,5 or 6 and like do donate or sell them, please let us know.

Or even if you find it on ebay or something, it would be very very much appreciated.

This is one of the mags that sums it up nicely when we say: "preserve classic videogame magazines from years gone by, before they are lost forever...".

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I'd love to help out, but your post is really the first time I have ever heard of this mag! Another reason why this is such a great place to go, because I can discover magazines I have never seen before.

From what you write, this magazine reminds me a bit of another UK mag called Arcade, which I really loved, although it only existed for about two years. It was released around the time that the Dreamcast was launched, and I still have all the issues somewhere.

*thinks of his recent move to a new house*

At least I hope!

I also hope somebody can help you find the issues you need.

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Ah yes, I remember this one fondly. It was about twice the price of everything else out there at the time but packed with about three times the news and info. Such a shame that it died so early. I think I have an issue somewhere, but not certain enough to offer to pass it on or scan it I'm afraid. And if I was, I'd be sure it would be in bad condition from overreading (if such a thing is possible). But when this is finally scanned, I heartily recommend people get on this, since it's right up there with Super Play as one of the best UK mags out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't think it would be this quick, but I should have the premier issue of Maximum by next week or so. :w00t:

Although there is a bit of bad news as well.

As you guys might have noticed it's been a bit quiet with the scans the last few weeks.

Well, the problem is that I'm having to undergo minor surgery pretty soon, so I've been occupied with other things.

Not sure how when the next magazine will be finished, and it all depends on how everything turns out.

So hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

When I get the Maximum issue it'll take priority over my other scans, so it will be the first one I'll release. :happy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I've got some great news today.

A package has just arrived.

Last week I got a message from Richard Leadbetter (former editor of Maximum as well as Official Sega Saturn Magazine, and also known from CVG and Mean Machines among others), asking me if I wanted a couple of his personal issues of Maximum.

Without any doubt I said yes off course. :grin:

Well today they have arrived, issue 1,3 and 6 in absolute pristine condition, like they just came from the shop.

So the only ones I'm missing right now are 4,5 and 7. (yes there were 7 instead of 6)

I'll start working on these issues as soon as possible, but not before I say a big thanks to Rich for this wonderful gift.

In this day and age it all seems to be about money, money, money. So I'm glad there are still people out there who stand above that.

Thanks again Rich, you're a true gentleman! :zorro:

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  • 2 weeks later...

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