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Street Fighter 4 Announced!


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And there you have it. Though I'll admit Kotaku isn't the most...objective source for gaming news, a Game Radar article is linked in the article.

Just as well, a teaser trailer. http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/15560

So while we don't have any gameplay footage - not to mention development probably not even started on it yet - we can dream. Or worry. Possibly both.

I've had mixed feelings about a fourth Street Fighter. Can Capcom do it? No idea. I know the man who originally created Street Fighter and Street Fighter II left a while ago. Just as well, can more new elements be added to keep the series fresh? Who knows?

Another issue: Stylized 3D on 3D plane, stylized 3D on 2D plane? Or ultradetailed 2D? I'd hope for the last, but I'm not sure if they'll be doing that or not.

Either way, there's no denying I'm a bit excited by the announcement.

Edit: Just found out not too long ago that apparently Capcom of America is handling the game. Make of that what you will.

Either way, it's rather early to have much close to a good idea of what the game will be like.

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I really hope it stays 2D, although the 3D teaser does look incredibly stylized.

The one 3D fighter that I absolutely adore is Virtua Fighter. There are a couple other nice ones, but they don't do it for me most of the time.

I also really hope Street Fighter 4 hits the Wii since it's the only new system I own, but I do realize that this is a very unlikely proposition. :unhappy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what to think about Capcom USA developing it. I hope Udon isn't involved in any part of the production of this, I don't really like what I've seen of their SSFT remake.

I hope it stays 2-d. I don't care if its hi-res or not. As long as it looks good and plays well, I'll be happy.

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Way cool! I really did not enjoy SF3 that much but loved all the other games including from the Alpha series and I hope they do this right. I have a feeling it will not end up on the Wii. It will probably be HD ready like the remake of Street Fighter 2 for the 360.

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Isn't the genre kind of dead? It might be interesting if it has online play. Ahh, the frustrations of lag in a game of skill and randomly mashing buttons.



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  • Retromags Curator
Isn't the genre kind of dead? It might be interesting if it has online play. Ahh, the frustrations of lag in a game of skill and randomly mashing buttons.



Where have you been hiding :fear:

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Isn't the genre kind of dead? It might be interesting if it has online play. Ahh, the frustrations of lag in a game of skill and randomly mashing buttons.




I'm really into Fighting games so no I wouldn't say the genre is dead. But who knows they may attempt yet again another 3D fighter (but I hope not).

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Bit of an update from...a week or so ago, courtesy of Racketboy.


Honestly, I hope SFIV at LEAST comes to the 360. Or Wii, as unlikely as it may be, as meppi said.

But yes, apparently the game is being developed by an internal Japanese studio in Capcom.

We still don't have many details, left only to speculate. Though the man interviewed DID say that you can "see hints of the developers' intended direction" by the trailer.

2.5d wouldn't be bad, but I'm still a bit partial to 2D. There's been quite a few good 3D fighters too, but I still enjoy 2.5D or 2D. As for if the genre is "dead," I'm probably a bit biased to the subject. I myself love fighters.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Retromags Curator

Geez, 15 years after SF II came out, and after numerous versions of the game coming out, they only get to number 4 now :P. Is it plain old Street Fighter 4, or is it SF 4 Turbo? Super SF 4? SF 4 Championship Edition? :lol:

I hate fighting games. To me they are so monotinous. The exception is Super Smash Bros. Brawl; there's an adventure mode, and the fight stages are interactive and have multiple platforms.

It would be nice to see some 2D games again. Plain old 2D. There seems to be a decent number of 2.5D games. I consider SSBB 2.5 D since everything is 3D modelled, but you can't move in 3D space. Actually, all fighting games seem to be that way. You can only move up-down-left-right; you can never get out of line of your opponent.

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