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Super Mario Galaxy

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I don't usually buy things without waiting for a bit, even if I can afford them, but this title is different.

When you buy a Mario game, you know you are getting at least a well above average competency platformer, and the overwhelmingly positive response to the game makes it a no-brainer buy for any gamer, especially one invested in current gen consoles.

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I am currently still playing through this game, and am trying to get all the stars possible before going to faceoff with Bowser for the end battle. It is an excellent game. I only played Mario Sunshine a bit, but wasn't terribly enthralled by it like I was by Mario 64. Galaxy certainly deserves all the praise and high ratings it is receiving! For a 3D game, it's excellent ;)

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I still don't have this game. I've been playing Zelda TP but slowly. It's such a masterpiece I don't want to rush the game :D Once I'm finished with it Mario Galaxy is next. I have a bunch of GC games to play in between, the release of the Wii revived the GC era IMO.

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I know what you mean, I was taking it slowly through Zelda as well and once I finally finished it, it was very bittersweet as I didn't want the game to end.

Although I got Zelda on the DS, I'm getting sidetracked by Advance Wars and Geometry Wars.

I simply don't want to share Phantom Hourglass's playtime with another adventure or RPG so I'm saving it until I get a bit more time. Possible summer.

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  • Retromags Curator

Ah, so I am not the only one who buys games and then doesn't play them until months later ;). That is what I am doing now. I have about 7 Wii games, but only play Mario Galaxy and Endless Ocean. Once I am done Mario (done meaning beat Bowser; not collecting all 242 stars), I will start my other games and work on the extra Galaxy stuff here and there. Zelda is still one of the games I need to buy at some point soon.

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Oh no, not at all.

I'm actually pretty embarrassed about my huge backlog.

RPGs are the worst though. I got Hoshigami on DS a a while back and played it for about 8 hours, then Luminous Arc came out, so I didn't want to pass it up and not being able to find a copy later one.

Started playing that for a couple hours and now Advance Wars has just been released. :pinch:

The list just goes on and on.

The trouble is that I seem to have less and less time these days, and when I finally do get time to play games, I tend to do other things and regret it later.

One positive note though, since I decided to just stick to a DS and a Wii it's been a bit more manageable. (Have a PSP but pretty much only play WipEout).

On the other hand I love retro games so much I can't stop buying classic Japanese imports, so the backlog keeps growing.

I'm still only at 70 or so stars in Mario Galaxy even though I love the game so much and I'm constantly thinking about going back to play it some more.

Perhaps I should try and get fired, that way I'll have a bit more spare time. :laughing:

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Ah, so I am not the only one who buys games and then doesn't play them until months later ;). That is what I am doing now. I have about 7 Wii games, but only play Mario Galaxy and Endless Ocean. Once I am done Mario (done meaning beat Bowser; not collecting all 242 stars), I will start my other games and work on the extra Galaxy stuff here and there. Zelda is still one of the games I need to buy at some point soon.

I've been doing that for a while now... It's not so bad eventually I'll get to it.

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Phew, finally got to the Luigi's Purple coin challenge in the Toy galaxy and actually finished it after 10 or so tries. Now my hands are shaking like a madman. Time to take a chill pill methinks. :cat:

Now I finally understand how that level drove certain people mad.

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Nah, don't get me wrong, I love the level despite it being very intimidating at first.

It really tests your skills, as well as your sanity. :wink:

You just have to get a feel for how to progress through it and above all stay focussed and don't rush things.

There's plenty of time and you only need 100 coins, not all 150.

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Well, before I get to that point, I want to finish getting all the stars that are possible before fighting Browser in the center of the universe. That includes the Daredevil run fighting Bouldergiest in the Boo MAnsion galaxy. I am not looking forward to that. I had a hard enough time beating him with 6 units of health, let alone 1.

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