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Not Retro Gaming But An Utter Discrace


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First off check out this Review on Mario Galaxy, by some Sony rep non the less:


I can't believe this direct attack towards Nintendo and Mario. Such biased crap never should have been allowed on the site not only is this just trying to bad mouth a game that will probably end of as Game of the Year, but this just proves that Variety.com has no credibility when it comes to video game reviews.

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  Thor said:
First off check out this Review on Mario Galaxy, by some Sony rep non the less:


I can't believe this direct attack towards Nintendo and Mario. Such biased crap never should have been allowed on the site not only is this just trying to bad mouth a game that will probably end of as Game of the Year, but this just proves that Variety.com has no credibility when it comes to video game reviews.

their movie reviews are pretty bad too

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Wow, they are still up to their old tricks?

Somehow trying to do some viral marketing for Ratchet & Clank as well as the PS3 (and failing miserably I might add), while badmouthing the game that should hands down win GOTY?

Didn't the get embarrassed a couple years back when people found out that Sony had set up some kind of movie review division, which was supposed to look like your average unbiased critics office, but turned out to be Sony execs writing reviews that clearly favored Sony pictures releases, while badmouthing others?

It's the shit like this that they pull on a constant basis that made me start my Sony boycott a year and a half back.

Even though 5 times more games on both the PSone and PS2 than my Nintendo Systems of the time. :huh:

They somehow make Microsoft seem like angels...Bravo once again Sony, bravo...

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  • 3 months later...
  Thor said:
I know right~!

Personally Ratchet and Clank have nothing on Mario if you ask me.

Ratchet and Clank has nothing on Mario, true, but few things do. That doesn't make Ratchet and Clank bad, though. Both franchises are great but nothing makes me warmer and fuzzier inside than some sweet sweet Mario nostalgia. The new stuff is good too.

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  • Retromags Curator

What a dumb bitch. The fact that I can hold the Nunchuk and the Remote in separate hands means I can sit in a relaxed position as I see fit. I don't have to keep my hands together. As if the PS3 controller is superior; the crusty design since 1996. Very innovative. And everything else that was said in that "review" was false and a half. The graphics are great. The guy still doesn't know that graphics don't make a game good. Oh well...then your console is in last place, your bound to take cheap shots at something superior to anything your console has.

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  Thor said:
First off check out this Review on Mario Galaxy, by some Sony rep non the less:


I can't believe this direct attack towards Nintendo and Mario. Such biased crap never should have been allowed on the site not only is this just trying to bad mouth a game that will probably end of as Game of the Year, but this just proves that Variety.com has no credibility when it comes to video game reviews.

Goddamn Sony rep bastards, all they can do is hate on such a wonderful game...

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"As good as the game is, though, it’s evidence of how bad the Wii is for third-person action games, a problem first made clear in last year’s “Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.â€"


I think most people would agree that TP had some of the best implementation of the Wiimote. It clearly shows that this person knows nothing about games.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Damn sony fanboys. Also, every retro gamer knows that Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a miserable ripoff of the Pitfall series. How dare they.

Death to sony! Their lie-spewing, dreamcast-murdering, pompous sales goons will do anything to destroy competition.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest panpizza15

Did they give him Hotel Mario by mistake? Gotta love all the people responding to that guy. They don't care, they get more ad revenue. This reminds me of some other review for the 1st Smash Bros where the guy just insults the game. He didn't know what he's talking about since he said Captain Falcon was from Star Fox games.

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  • 2 months later...
  Thor said:
First off check out this Review on Mario Galaxy, by some Sony rep non the less:


I can't believe this direct attack towards Nintendo and Mario. Such biased crap never should have been allowed on the site not only is this just trying to bad mouth a game that will probably end of as Game of the Year, but this just proves that Variety.com has no credibility when it comes to video game reviews.

Its a Sony rep so it doesnt really count. But how can someone bash "Mario Galaxy". Its probably the greatest Mario game... ever. Well, IMO Mario 3 is but Galaxy is pretty darn amazing.

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  Spongeman56 said:
Its a Sony rep so it doesnt really count. But how can someone bash "Mario Galaxy". Its probably the greatest Mario game... ever. Well, IMO Mario 3 is but Galaxy is pretty darn amazing.

Yeah for me it's either Mario 3 or (please don't shoot me) Mario 2 US Version.

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  panpizza15 said:
Did they give him Hotel Mario by mistake? Gotta love all the people responding to that guy. They don't care, they get more ad revenue. This reminds me of some other review for the 1st Smash Bros where the guy just insults the game. He didn't know what he's talking about since he said Captain Falcon was from Star Fox games.

Have to find that review, was it an online review?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Sun Baked Records said:
I find it disconcerting at best that Sony has resorted to simple Nintendo bashing in the form of editorial reviews. Graphics don't make the game anyway and the PS3 is not that great.


Finally, people who agree that games are not just tech demos! A game needs to be fun, engaging, and challenging. That's just what the Mario games are. Anyone who would dare criticize the face of all gaming, Mario, doesn't deserve to be called a gamer.

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  • 2 months later...
  eday_2010 said:
What a dumb bitch. The fact that I can hold the Nunchuk and the Remote in separate hands means I can sit in a relaxed position as I see fit. I don't have to keep my hands together. As if the PS3 controller is superior; the crusty design since 1996. Very innovative. And everything else that was said in that "review" was false and a half. The graphics are great. The guy still doesn't know that graphics don't make a game good. Oh well...then your console is in last place, your bound to take cheap shots at something superior to anything your console has.

Couple points:

1. The two-part wii controller also makes it very nice for left-handed people (you can put the nunchuk in whichever hand you want ;)

2. Actually it's fairly obvious that the original PS1 controller copied the design of the SNES controller and jsut added some grips and two extra shoulder buttons.

3. Yeah that review is worthless ;)


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