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Wii Virtual Console


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Do you ever think the Wii Virtual Console will have a library worth noting? I remember when there were whispers that the Wii would be able to play *all* of nintendo's library... *sigh*

Theres still 9/10ths of my favorite SNES games *not* yet available on WVC ><;

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Well, I myself don't really understand this.

From where I stand there are already too many great games on there to fit on my Wii without an SD card.

Not going to start up a list or anything, but every week there seems to be at least 1 worthwhile game at the least.

Except for last week where we got nothing but Double Dribble in Europe. :dizzy:

But looking at the catalogue so far, there are so many great games on pretty much every system already online, and the classics just keep coming.

Now with even NeoGeo games and PC-Engine CD games as well!

It's normal that Nintendo is spreading out the releases like this though.

Think about it. If they would simply dump every single Nintendo game online it would be so overwhelming, and since we wouldn't be getting new releases every week, the surprise and anticipation would be lost, which would no doubt lead to lesser interest and therefor sales as well.

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  meppi said:
Well, I myself don't really understand this.

From where I stand there are already too many great games on there to fit on my Wii without an SD card.

Not going to start up a list or anything, but every week there seems to be at least 1 worthwhile game at the least.

Except for last week where we got nothing but Double Dribble in Europe. :dizzy:

But looking at the catalogue so far, there are so many great games on pretty much every system already online, and the classics just keep coming.

Now with even NeoGeo games and PC-Engine CD games as well!

It's normal that Nintendo is spreading out the releases like this though.

Think about it. If they would simply dump every single Nintendo game online it would be so overwhelming, and since we wouldn't be getting new releases every week, the surprise and anticipation would be lost, which would no doubt lead to lesser interest and therefor sales as well.

I doubt that we'll ever see *all* of Nintendo's library on the VC, at least in their original forms. I doubt licensed properties will ever see the light of day (think Capcom's licensed Disney titles on the NES).

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  • 2 weeks later...

They'd never release all of their hits at once. I, myself, rarely use the VC, because I own my games and systems (I own every system they feature other than the Neo-Geo...). I spent 1 2k Pts card before, basically on the following:

Gunstar Heroes (800 Pts)

Blazing Lasers (600 Pts)

Bomberman '93 (600 Pts)

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  Mudkip said:
They'd never release all of their hits at once. I, myself, rarely use the VC, because I own my games and systems (I own every system they feature other than the Neo-Geo...). I spent 1 2k Pts card before, basically on the following:

Gunstar Heroes (800 Pts)

Blazing Lasers (600 Pts)

Bomberman '93 (600 Pts)

I too own just about every game system in history but I've decided to downsize considerably. I've been selling off my systems and games. I'd much rather have the games at the tips of my fingers rather than messing with all the systems and games. So far I've unloaded all of my PSX, Atari 2600 5200 and 7800 stuff. I've gotten rid of most of the stuff for my Saturn, Genesis (32X, Sega CD), Game Gear, Atari Lynx.

Anyway the point is I love the VC it's so convienent and saves space.

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I couldn't believe my luck when Sin & Punishment was released, so what I am looking forward to most is the prospect of more shocking releases of that ilk, perhaps some localised Jp-only classics. For now though, it is considerably cheaper to take the modded Xbox route for your retro fix. I for one think that it is a bit cheeky to charge seperately for each of the Mario games on the NES, for example.

Saying this, if they released Demon's Crest I would be reaching straight for the credit card details, once I had finished a celebratory bout of onanism.

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Thor I did the same myself, I still have a few systems, but I have every game I've ever wanted emulated...from arcade games to every console...it sure saves

time to have it all in one place...I just turn on my MAME cap and bam!..it's all there...... B)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, the thing about Neo Geo games is that if they released newer games like Garou Mark Of The Wolves first and a couple of weeks later the original Fatal Fury's, barely anyone would be buying the older titles.

So I understand why they are starting with the ones they did and working their way up. I didn't actually expect Top Hunter and KOF '94 to turn up this quickly.

And since I've never been a big sports fan, Baseball Stars 2 surprised me how fun it is. Might have to pick that one up on AES as well. :happy:

Whenever they decide to put Neo Turf Masters online, be sure to check it out.

I have it on the AES and it's one of the best arcade style golf games ever!

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i'm really pleased with the VC. sometimes i kind of wish nintendo would add some new features to some of those old games, kind of like xbla. however, they preserve the true essence of the titles on the VC. personally i only own 2 VC titles so far (Zelda Ocanara of Time and Splatter house) but i plan on getting quite a few more

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  • 2 weeks later...

They seem to keep getting me and my roommate to spend money on em!

Even though between us weve got the NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, 2 Game Cubes and now a Wii!

Not to mention those um little ROM dealios that fill up a whole hard drive of mine.

Guess I keep buying them here and there for convenience of having it with me whenever.

Kinda like why I own the original Zelda for NES, GC, GBA, the rom for Nestopia, and now the VC hehe.

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  • 1 month later...

Something I wish all game companies would do for their remakes, is include the original version - uncut - in addition to the updated version. That way people could replay the old for nostalgia and play the new for the extra features... Particularly with games that are remade just for a graphics overhaul.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm with a lot of these guys. I used to own dozens of systems and games, and then realized that they took up tons of space, and worse, have no value. Games are terrible at keeping value, with exception to a few holy grails. I sometimes wish I still had my turboduo, but with the VC that feeling is much less now. TG16 is by far my favorite system, and it is so much more conveinant to fire up the wii to play than drag out an old console and cartridges. The selection so far is improving. As far as TG16, almost everything I like is there (except Rondo go figure). As for NES and SNES though, there's a lot I am waiting for.

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  wtshaffer said:
As far as TG16, almost everything I like is there (except Rondo go figure).
Well if everything goes right it shouldn't take long before it's released here as well.

It's already on the Japanese list for release this month.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One of the biggest problems with making old games available on the Virtual Console and XBox Live Arcade is licensing. There are quite a few games which seem like a no-brainer but the respective companies can't do much about them because the owners of the IP are now rivals. Rare's games are a good example of this problem, they can't find their way on either platform because of the shared licenses.

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For cases like Donkey Kong Country, I think Nintendo should have the rights to rerelease that game on the VC since even though Rare created the game, Donkey Kong is Nintendo's IP. Nintendo shouldn't lose out on being able to release their own IP just because they outsourced the creation of the game to another developer, especially since the DKC games put Rare on the map.

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