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Why .cbr?


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Depends on what settings and program you use to create the PDFs I guess...

But that's a very interesting point you make about rar files.

I have recently noticed that zip files pack and unpack much faster than rars. Never noticed that before...

Just tested it out with a CBR vs a CBZ as well, and the pages load much more smoothly.

We should make a note of this and from now on zip the image folders and rename them CBZ. I might even start redoing my own CBRs since I always used rars up till now.

the only place where I still need to use rars is to upload multi part magazines to rapidshare since they won't take files larger than 100MB and I can't seem to create multi part zips for some reason.

But still, inside those rar files would still be a CBZ which is just a renamed zipped image folder.

Excellent find. How are you compresing into ZIP - through winrar? And what setting?
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Excellent find. How are you compresing into ZIP - through winrar? And what setting?

Yeah, I'm using winrar right now, but in a month or 2 I'm getting my Macbook Pro and I've read that you don't even need an extra program to create zips in Mac OS X.

Right now I'm using the store compression option as it seems to leave the content intact and not compress anything further.

I'm going to start going through my own scans soon and extract the CBR renamed rars and repack them into CBZ renamed zip files, which CDisplay reads automatically as well.

I'll probably even going to resize the first couple of issues pages since I'm now using a macro to resize the pages so they are all the same dimensions, depending on which magazine is scanned of course.

That way if you'd like to view them 2pages at a time, they will match up a bit better as well. :wink:

I never use the 2 page display option myself as it's sometime too hard to read the text on a 15".

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I'm gonna put up a guide for converting if that's OK? This is definately worth doing, I'm glad you found this out. Tell me about macro and resizing the images..

Well I tried the macro thing out on the older scans I did before I started using macro's, but it seems that there is a significant quality loss if I try to resize them now. So sadly that won't be an option.

The thing is, my scanner saves the images as uncompressed PSF files, which you can manipulate without losing any data, that is until you save them as JPGs.

So it's best that once you've saved them as a JPG, you do as little work as possible on them, especially when it comes to resizing them.

What you'll notice on my older scans when you look at the image sizes, is that the width is always 1280, but the height does vary since every page was cropped and then resized to a width of 1280 manually.

When using a macro, the program (Photostudio 5.5 in my case) remembers the dimensions of your original resize which you can save as a macro. So when you crop the next image you can push F8 to run the macro, which will use the same specifications to resize this picture as it did with the last one.

That way every page has the same dimensions, which comes in handy when putting CDisplay in 2 page mode, as every page will be just as tall as the next one.

On the older scans this wasn't the case and while it's not at all a problem for regular viewing, I find it an easy and clean way of working, so I have used it for all my scans since I found out about the option for using macro's.

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