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Stumbleupon Retromags!


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Anyone who creates a StumbleUpon account and submits a review on us will receive a 1 month Premium Membership (which allows direct downloads). This offer is only open for the first 150 people who submit a review on us. Please create a StumbleUpon username that reflects your username on Retromags. After submitting a review on Retromags, post a reply in here and I will upgrade your account.

Here is the link to submit a review on us....




Your review wont show up correctly unless you have an avatar for your profile!

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  • Retromags Curator
  PissCloud said:
I've left a reply with this username twice as it didn't show up! Hopefully it will, I would love a premium membership..

It shows up under your profile, Not too sure why some arent posting to the actual page though :blink:


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This is me: http://microserf.stumbleupon.com/

This is my review:

computers, cyberculture, video-games, games, reference •http://www.retromags.com/

Do you like classic gaming? Do you believe the Super NES was the best console ever made? Have you spent hours perfecting your speed run of Super Mario Bros.? Does the phrase "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start" mean anything to you? Then you need to join RetroMags.com! RetroMags has the biggest collection of out-of-print Gaming magazines on the Internet (that I can find, anyway). If you remember "Playing with Power" during the golden age of gaming - then this is the site for you. Check it out. You'll be glad you did!

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It shows up under your profile, Not too sure why some arent posting to the actual page though


Thanks for giving out the membership even though stumbleupon's working properly ;)

Could I ask a cheeky request? I'm not going to be online much this month and my membership would be wasted, really. So, could I have it for next month instead?

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  Phillyman said:
Anyone who creates a StumbleUpon account and submits a review on us will receive a 1 month Premium Membership (which allows direct downloads). This offer is only open for the first 150 people who submit a review on us. Please create a StumbleUpon username that reflects your username on Retromags. After submitting a review on Retromags, post a reply in here and I will upgrade your account.

Here is the link to submit a review on us....




I just posted my review it is under the same username i use here Kolpax, thanks!

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  • Retromags Curator

Thanks for all the reviews :)

If your review doesnt show up on this page....


Just post a link to your blog page....


Then I will be able to see it just fine and you will be upgraded :)


I think I figured out why reviews arent showing up, I think you must have an avatar for the reviews to show up on the page. Let me know if this can be confirmed.


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  Phillyman said:
Anyone who creates a StumbleUpon account and submits a review on us will receive a 1 month Premium Membership (which allows direct downloads). This offer is only open for the first 150 people who submit a review on us. Please create a StumbleUpon username that reflects your username on Retromags. After submitting a review on Retromags, post a reply in here and I will upgrade your account.

Here is the link to submit a review on us....




I made the review. I never heard about Stumbleupon before.. hmm.. Well.. posting this reply to your message.

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  Phillyman said:
Anyone who creates a StumbleUpon account and submits a review on us will receive a 1 month Premium Membership (which allows direct downloads). This offer is only open for the first 150 people who submit a review on us. Please create a StumbleUpon username that reflects your username on Retromags. After submitting a review on Retromags, post a reply in here and I will upgrade your account.

Here is the link to submit a review on us....




Hey, I posted a review on stumbleupon under the name davecanam. ;-)

Thanks for all the hard work you guys put into this site.

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  Phillyman said:
Anyone who creates a StumbleUpon account and submits a review on us will receive a 1 month Premium Membership (which allows direct downloads). This offer is only open for the first 150 people who submit a review on us. Please create a StumbleUpon username that reflects your username on Retromags. After submitting a review on Retromags, post a reply in here and I will upgrade your account.

Here is the link to submit a review on us....




Done and Done. I love this site. Just found it awhile ago and am going to start uploading some of my old mags to it. So I have no problem telling people what I think of it. Take it easy. :)

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