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Changes To The Download Manager!


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  • Retromags Curator

I am going to give regular members the ability to download magazines from this site, This may or may not become permanent! The new structure is the following

Newbies (users with 0-4 posts) = 5 Downloads Per Month

Members (users with 5-99 posts) = 10 Downloads Per Month

Members+ (users with 100+ posts) = 25 Downloads Per Month

Premium Members (users who help scan, edit, distribute, donate mags, donate money) = 7.5GB Per Month

You will receive no warnings other then this......If you post SPAM you will be banned!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have to say as a relitive newbie here that to be honest it sounds like a perfectly sound deal to me, the more you put into the community the more you can get in return but without totally excluding anyone from being able to participate.

as I already said to meppi ina PM, Thanks to everyone for the hardwork that's gone into this project.

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  • Retromags Curator

We try to be as fair as possible, Even if someone doesnt contribute they will still be able to use the Rapishare links to get the releases. And for those hard to find releases we provide 5 direct downloads per month. If they post they get more, if they help they get a lot more :)

My dream is to have 20 people on this website that can scan just 1 magazine per month. That would be 4-5 new releases per week!

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  • Retromags Curator

If I had the money to get the same sexy scanner you have, I'd tell you to ship me your EGM and I would scan those like they are going out of style. However, I don't think the wife would see it as a wise purchase, when we have actual life things (debt, bills) to pay. However, I am still willing to edit EGMs and such as quickly as possible when the time comes.

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I would like to help in converting these to PDF and uploading them to somewhere like divshare.com (I'm gonna have to experiment) This would work better for users without rapidsahre or megaupload premium accounts (not all of us can or want to pay for a premium account).

I like magazines in PDF format because you can have 2 pages side-by-side like a real magazine. The cover is displayed on the file and you can index parts and jump to them. More than enough benefits to be worthwhile?

I actually won a premuim account for this site with the stumbleupon competition but didn't really get a chance to use it.. I asked for it to be possibly but on hold since I was going away for a month. I used the internet at cafes during last month but didn't have the time to download a load of magazines :) So, it's now expired and was wasted.

Could I possibly have another month or something to help out converting and hosting please?

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  • Retromags Curator

I don't know if you can impliment it here, but there is a way to help spread the magazines and get the boards active.

I get free web hosting for my site. The admins offer free web hosting, but in order to get it, you have to post on the forum, where they get revenue from ads. What they do is give you points for each post you make. The number of points depends on how long your post is. This helps cut down on one-word posts, and encourages longer, thought out posts. The maximum number of points you can get for a post is 5, and you can accumulate up to 45 points at once.

Everyday, 1 point is taken away from your total. When you get to zero points or less, they send you a warning. If you leave it at zero long enough, you lose your web space. So while you could technically earn all your points in an hour, and not go back for a month and a half, I don't think that would be a problem here.

If that kind of system could be implimented here, you could do something like, if you have 20 points, you can download 5 magazines, if you have 40, you can download 10 magazines, 100 points for 25 magazines (per month) or whatever. And each day you could remove 1 point or so. That would ensure people don't post all in one shot and then just download magazines without doing anymore posting since they have the required number of posts. Rules like copying something like a news article and posting it without using quotes would need to be implimented, but having strict rules could deter people from doing such underhanded things :)

Just a suggestion! Frihost is the site that uses the points system on the forum.

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  • Retromags Curator
I don't know if you can impliment it here, but there is a way to help spread the magazines and get the boards active.

I get free web hosting for my site. The admins offer free web hosting, but in order to get it, you have to post on the forum, where they get revenue from ads. What they do is give you points for each post you make. The number of points depends on how long your post is. This helps cut down on one-word posts, and encourages longer, thought out posts. The maximum number of points you can get for a post is 5, and you can accumulate up to 45 points at once.

Everyday, 1 point is taken away from your total. When you get to zero points or less, they send you a warning. If you leave it at zero long enough, you lose your web space. So while you could technically earn all your points in an hour, and not go back for a month and a half, I don't think that would be a problem here.

If that kind of system could be implimented here, you could do something like, if you have 20 points, you can download 5 magazines, if you have 40, you can download 10 magazines, 100 points for 25 magazines (per month) or whatever. And each day you could remove 1 point or so. That would ensure people don't post all in one shot and then just download magazines without doing anymore posting since they have the required number of posts. Rules like copying something like a news article and posting it without using quotes would need to be implimented, but having strict rules could deter people from doing such underhanded things :)

Just a suggestion! Frihost is the site that uses the points system on the forum.

The Download manager gives me the following abilities....

Restrict Downloads Per Usergroup

Set Max Bandwidth per Usergroup

Set Max # of Downloads Per Usergroup

Posts Required for Each Download

Obviously I have Guests and Validating set to NOT be able to download. And you guys know the rest from my post above. I could set it up to give users an additional download for each post or two they create on this board. Unfortunately people abuse such things when they are in place. If I had a stronger user base on this forum I could work it more easily. I would need more moderators to patrol the forums for people abusing the system.

I am currently looking into a way to code an auto promotion into the Download system, so that each time a user uploads and submits a magazine (and a moderator approves it) that they get auto promoted to Premium Member for 30 days. Last month we had 156GB of magazines downloaded from Retromags.....Thats not even counting the Rapidshare links. That only comes out to 2% of my bandwidth quota that I am allowed.

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  • Retromags Curator

Well, I remember reading an older post from you stating that you were unhappy at how dead the forums were. To me, this was one idea I knew worked at Frihost to get people posting. With this post, I will have 91, which allows me 10 downloads a month if I was a regular member. Since GamePro's trickle out at about one per week, and an EGM hasn't been released in over 2 months, I wouldn't need to post anymore to be able to still get the magazines I wanted plus the odd other magazine that might interest me.

It was more an idea to get the forum active rather than manage how much is getting downloaded :)

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  • Retromags Curator
Well, I remember reading an older post from you stating that you were unhappy at how dead the forums were. To me, this was one idea I knew worked at Frihost to get people posting. With this post, I will have 91, which allows me 10 downloads a month if I was a regular member. Since GamePro's trickle out at about one per week, and an EGM hasn't been released in over 2 months, I wouldn't need to post anymore to be able to still get the magazines I wanted plus the odd other magazine that might interest me.

It was more an idea to get the forum active rather than manage how much is getting downloaded :)

Oh you will still need more, just wait until I open the floodgates on EGM :devil:

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I like magazines in PDF format because you can have 2 pages side-by-side like a real magazine. The cover is displayed on the file and you can index parts and jump to them. More than enough benefits to be worthwhile?

Most CBR readers do offer th ability to view 2 pages at once. Also, even though I don't use it, ComicRack seems to offer a lot of options for viewing CBR files http://comicrack.cyolito.com/.

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  • Retromags Curator
Going to throw in my $0.02 please stick with CBR, I really cannot stand PDF

Its not really a choice of one or the other. We have more then enough space to host 2 versions of each release.

600GB is roughly 3600 Magazines to be hosted. So if anyone wants to convert.....more power to them :)

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