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Mario Kart


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Looks like there's a whole bunch of news and screenshots being released for this game now that the European release date has been officially announced. (April 11)

Thanks to Blimblim on the Neogaf board you can view all the pics here: http://www.gamersyde.com/news_5987_en.html


â— Wii Remote

â— Wii Remote + Nunchuk

â— Classic controller

â— GameCube controller

â— Controller chosen is automatically detected

â— Records saved with a icon indicating which control method was used


â— Grand Prix mode has 50, 100 and 150cc divisions

â— 50cc is kart only; 100cc is bike only; 150cc is a mix of both


â— 16 classic courses including Peach Beach, Waluigi Stadium, Yoshi Falls, Delfino Square, Mario Raceway, Sherbet Land, Shy Guy Beach and Ghost Valley 2

â— 16 new courses including Luigi Circuit, Moo Moo Meadows, Mushroom Gorge, Toad's Factory, Mario Circuit, Coconut Mall, DK Summit, and Wario's Gold Mine

â— Classic courses updated to fit new engine but retain their classic look, i.e. Mode 7 style for the SNES tracks


â— Baby Mario, Baby Peach, Toad, Koopa, Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Princess Peach, Wario, Waluigi, Donkey Kong, and Bowser

â— Suspect there may be more characters, including Mii racers

â— Each character has six vehicles available from the start: three karts and three motorbikes. The vehicles are split into three categories: normal, character-specific and heavy

â— 12 racers per race

â— Bikes are slower than karts, but this is balanced by being easier to boost using wheelies

â— Kart boosting through powerslides. Hold a slide for as long as possible, then release to boost.

â— Drafting included

â— Tricks included - flick the controller at the peak of a jump to perform a trick and gain a speed boost on landing.

â— Classic powerups return - green & red shells, mushrooms, banana peel, Bullet Bill powerup etc.

â— New powerups include a cloud that must be passed from player to player before it shoots lightning and shrinks you, and a POW block that appears over your racer and must quickly be destroyed by jumping into it. Also included is the mega-mushroom which makes your racer grow to a huge size.


â— 12 player online

â— Two players can play online on the same machine

â— Mario Kart Channel to download records, ghosts, tournaments and weekly challenges, among others

â— Comprehensive stat-tracking - race and battle count, distance travelled, number of tricks, WFC wins/losses, tournaments played, how many times you've hit/been hit etc.








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  Gnash said:
This will be my next Wii purchase :D

Not here. Mine will be No More Heroes since it's not out yet for a couple of weeks.

The The House Of The Dead: 2 & 3 Return and Okami, possibly Worms: A Space Oddity and after that I'll be ready for April, which means Mario Kart. :grin:

We might have to put up a MK friends code thread once the game is released.

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  eday_2010 said:
My next Wii purchase will probably be Sega Bass Fishing. If that game gets horrid reviews, then it will probably be Sega Superstars Tennis...unless I end up buying Zelda or one of the other games that have been out for a while and still need to end up in my hands :)

You're the first person i hear wishing for a fishing game. It's ok, I was just amazed by it.

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  Gnash said:
You're the first person i hear wishing for a fishing game. It's ok, I was just amazed by it.

Hehe, he's not alone.

When Sega Bass Fishing was released over here in Europe bundled with the official fishing rod I paid €150 on release day for it. :grin:

I'm gonna pick up the Wii sequel when it drops in price, which I think will happen pretty fast. It might sound like the least fun you can have with a videogame, but somehow it's quite captivating, almost hypnotic.

One more thing, just remembered that Fire Emblem is also being released over here in Europe next month.

Oh boy... :blink:

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  meppi said:
Hehe, he's not alone.

When Sega Bass Fishing was released over here in Europe bundled with the official fishing rod I paid €150 on release day for it. :grin:

I'm gonna pick up the Wii sequel when it drops in price, which I think will happen pretty fast. It might sound like the least fun you can have with a videogame, but somehow it's quite captivating, almost hypnotic.

One more thing, just remembered that Fire Emblem is also being released over here in Europe next month.

Oh boy... :blink:

I understand. I always get excited when a Harvestmoon game is released.

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  • Retromags Curator

I don't know if the Wii version of Sega Bass Fishing is a sequel or just a remake of the Dreamcast game. From what I read about it, it's a port of the DC game.

I used to play Super Black Bass a lot on the SNES, and it was a lot of fun. I am hoping this version is just as fun. If Sega wasn't putting it out, I wouldn't be excited about it, though a good fishing game would be great. I don't know how good the fishing game that is already out is.

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  eday_2010 said:
If Sega wasn't putting it out, I wouldn't be excited about it

If you love Sega games and you got the zapper that comes with Link's Crossbow Training, you should look into getting Ghost Squad.

Picked it up yesterday along with Zack And Wiki and I love it. :laughing:

Gun games always get shot down for having little replay value, but this one certainly counters those arguments.

There are so many unlockables, extra modes, different paths and difficulty settings, which gradually open up as you play the game more. It's almost impossible to play the same game twice in a row.

Can't wait for House Of the Dead remake as well, even though that release probably be straight ports without much, if any extras.

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  eday_2010 said:
I don't know if the Wii version of Sega Bass Fishing is a sequel or just a remake of the Dreamcast game. From what I read about it, it's a port of the DC game.

Just found this movie: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/30659.html

there are several on the site now actually.

And you can take it from me, it's certainly no DC port or even a remake. It's a totally different game with the same concept and the same arcade style.

The locations are completely new and the game looks very nice as well.

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  eday_2010 said:
Drops in price? How cheap do you want it? It's selling for a mere $30 :P

Oh wow. that's great!

Just looked it up on play.com and they are pricing the pre-order at €39. :unhappy:

If it drops under €30 I'll pick it up. I might have done it otherwise if it wasn't for the fact that there are so many games coming out on the Wii and DS the next couple of months that I will buy on day one.

Not to mention I'm trying to save up for a Macbook Pro.

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  • Retromags Curator

Everything seems to be more expensive for you guys in Europe. Here the game is $30, and it came out yesterday. If it would cost, I would hold off on getting it since I want to get Sega Superstar Tennis, and Mario Kart. And I recently decided that SSB Brawl is a game I want to get. I don't like fighting games, but this one looks like it has more variety than crap games like Street Fighter, so on my list it goes.

Then there is all the DS and GBA games I want to get for when I buy a DS... :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just came across some wonderful videos of battle mode as well as regular gameplay.

Thanks to Aussie-nintendo:


Looking at the 12 player teamplay battle mode, first thing that came to mind was that we should definitely have a topic for Wifi battles so we can get some competition going.

I'm so hyped for this game, it might become my favorite Wii game if things turn out the way they seem to be.

The only thing I regret is that battle mode doesn't seem to include N64 Block Fort nor SNES Battle Circuit 2. :cry:

Guess that might have been to perfect... I would probably never have left my couch ever again.

There's also some great details and discussion going on in this topic.

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What I find great about the Mario Kart games is that every single one has something unique which makes it still worth playing even though newer versions come out.

Super Mario Kart:

Battle Circuit 2 (my favourite along with block fort in the DS version), The regular couses are all simply perfect as well. Probably the best MK allround. (tied with the DS game for me I think)

Mario Kart 64:

I would have said block fort, but the DS version blew even this one out of the water for me.

Moo Moo Farm, Rainbow Road, Choco Mountain and Sherbet Land are some unforgettable tracks. As well as basically the whole star cup.

Mario Kart Super Circuit:

Goes back to the SNES way of doing things.

Along with many new tracks came a whole selection of classic ones, actually all the SNES tracks! How can you go wrong with that? :grin:

The way how the coins that are littered around each track is implemented into the game adds a whole new reason to keep coming back to this one.

Mario Kart Double Dash:

Sadly my least favourite Mario Kart. Had a blast with the regular Championship mode but for some reason the game wasn't as memorable for me personally.

Favourite tracks being the Yoshi track and baby park.

Recently I've gone back to Multiplayer mode which I was very disappointed at when I first got the game, but I rediscovered bomb battle mode which I now really love.

Mario Kart DS:

From the revised Block fort which I've spent over 2500 battle games on against my best friend, and the regular courses along with some great choices of classics.

The new challenge mode etc, this one pretty much is perfect for me.

The only thing that could possibly make it better was that they simply put all the old tracks, battle circuits and different options in on game, which is something we will never see for various reasons.

One thing that keeps it from being perfect is the online mode. Besides no battle mode and not being ale to drag items, the snakers killed this game for me.

I actually learned to do it as well, but for some reason I hate playing the game that way, so I simply quit playing online.

Too bad as for the first couple of months it was the best online experience I ever had with a game. :cry:

Even with the news about the battle mode in the Wii version being changed into team only play, I'm pretty sure since the game is based around the same philosophy as the DS MK, that this will once again be one of th top MK games.

Hopefully my gut is right on this one as I can't describe how disappointed I would be if it turned out to be a dud.

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