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Mario Kart


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Tried to get the game yesterday but 3 shops out of the 4 I went to said the game wasn't in yet, (yeah right <_< ) and the last one showed me a box full of Mario Kart packs but said they couldn't sell them until Friday. :rolleyes:

So since the game comes out tomorrow and we appearantly are able to import out actual Wii friends codes into Mario Kart here's mine:


If anyone is in the mood for some multiplayer post yours as well. :D


The friends codes does seem to be different so here's mine for Mario Kart: 2750-1228-5948

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lol that was great :) nah i already have it, why re-buy it?

Because you would like to see another game just as good as this one???

If everyone starts doing this, before you know it all that we will be getting are those cheap Brain Training games and such, since those are actually still selling...

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Because you would like to see another game just as good as this one???

If everyone starts doing this, before you know it all that we will be getting are those cheap Brain Training games and such, since those are actually still selling...

I'll hedge my bets Nintendo will make another kart game but I get what you are saying and I do purchase some games

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Yeah, they wouldn't die out so soon, but just look at what happened to Sega.

I know apples and oranges, but still.

I honestly believe that if every single person that downloaded Dreamcast games back in the day had bought official games we would still be getting the same high quality, coupled with high volume of games out of Sega instead of what's left of them now. Flashed of brilliance hidden away under a thick fog of mediocre and pure awefull products. :(

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Wrote this up this evening after playing since early in the morning:

"I still haven't touched the battle besides one try, but I'm not too bothered really as I still get my battle mode fix on the DS every single day during lunch break and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I do understand why some people hate the wheel though, at least when they first try it.

It's not that easy to pick the game up where you left off like you could do with the former ones. Perhaps they should just try to understand that they won't master the game from the get go, and instead will have to adjust to the new way of controlling.

It takes a bit of time, but I dont even want to try the GC or CC for this game now. It's just more fun this way, and I'm doing pretty damn good.... sometimes. ;P

Online play is extremely satisfying and I haven't come across anything that bothers me.

Quick, painless and oh so addictive. I really should go back to the GP mode and Time Trials to unlock everything.

You can clearly see that this is indeed the continuation of Mario Kart DS and not Double Dash.

I was sceptical about the trick system at first, but for some weird, unexplainable reason it actually works perfectly the way they have included it. It adds a lot of strategy to the game as well. Just try some tricks on the handrails at the mall. ;)

I love some of the new courses and like the way the old ones have been given a tiny update. Nothing too big so that it ruins the original layouts, yet some things which can be usend in such a way that you can tackle a whole part of the track in a very different way.

One thing I'm praying for is downloadable content for this game.

I would absolutely love to be able to download more classical tracks.

I don't care how much they would cost, just give me Super Mario Kart pack, Mario Kart 64 pack and a Super Circuit Pack.

CG and DS packs would be welcome too of course, but that might not be very realistic as the DS game still sells quite a few copies and might even get a bit of a boost due to this one."

It's now 3 past 12 midnight local time and I'm just done playing for today.

The last time this happened to me was with Mario Kart DS.

Needless to say, I love the game.

Still don't know how Battle mode will turn out as I'm too bussy playing GP and online VS.

Can't wait to play some more tomorrow.

If anyone want to know something, just ask. ;)

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Usenet for $0 ;) plus a $0.25 DVD kinda like how we are stealing magazines on here ;)

enough splitting hairs, this game is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

I love how they have 12 players now, up from 8 in the DS version so when you start off the race it is true chaos. The levels look amazing and are hugely detailed. It took a few races to get used to the steering as I was turning way too much to start. You really only have to turn between 10 and 2 if you imagine the wheel as a clock. Once I am done here I'm off to play more :)

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kinda like how we are stealing magazines on here ;)

With the difference that we won't ever scan nor distribute magazines in any shape or form that might harm the publishers or editors which make them.

As I've said a long time ago, I'm probably in the minority one here when it comes to dealing with emulating older software and such, but up to some point I can understand that.

Pirating brand new Wii, PSP, DS, PS3 or 360 games or whatever is something that harms the industry much more than people realize or even care about.

The reason why I still buy NeoGeo games among others on VC, even tough I already bought them on the original system years back is just to support the developers, so that they might be able to make more games in the same manner.

And it does work. Just look at how Hudson is developing many games from their back catalogue after they saw how VC games were still in high demand.

Just look at Start Soldier R as one of the examples.

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With the difference that we won't ever scan nor distribute magazines in any shape or form that might harm the publishers or editors which make them.

That is an interesting argument and I've heard it before with respect to people scanning older comics say Superman issue #50 with the logic that DC has already sold it for $0.12 back in the 1940s and got their money. What if DC or EGM for that matter puts out a compilation of their back issues though, well then we certainly would be hurting them. I fully understand what you are saying, but at the end of the day, we are stealing and committing a crime no matter how we try to 'justify' it. Having said that are we raping and murdering people... no we are simply trying to preserve our childhood :)

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If EGM put out such a compilation, I would buy it if it went back far enough into the 90's, regardless of getting the back issues for Free on here. And it's hard to justify stealing a brand new game that isn't even out yet where you live by comparing it to scanning old magazines that aren't offered by the publisher anymore, using a "what if" scenario.

And while you may have only spent a quarter for the DVD to burn the stolen game on, I'll have a nice complete copy to go into my collection with a nice glossy manual. I'm happy to spend my money on good games so that the developer can make more good games in the future.

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For the past 3 days I've been totally addicted to this game.

Been getting out of bed early just to get a couple extra hours playtime in. And let me tell you, for me, that's extremely unusual.

The more I play, the more I'm falling in love with just about everything in the game. (Still haven't touched the Battle mode though)

The power sliding feels so perfect it's hard to put into words. The wheel is perfect for this game.

At first I thought the new tracks were pretty good and some were well thought out, but after playing the game for about 24 hours total in not even 3 days time, I'm starting to see just how well thought out every circuit actually is.

Take the Bowser Castle for instance, which is quite a challenge at first, I simply looooooooooooooooooove the track now, and for some strange reason almost always seem to win on it lately. :D

The tracks just flow incredibly well once you start knowing your way around them well enough. And the parts that made you go "what the hell" at first just put a big smile on your face later on, when you drift through them pixel perfectly without breaking a sweat even though you know those are some nasty turns and bumps you're flying across and you can't afford to make the slightest mistake.

For everyone who's on the fence or are thinking that IGN's words or EDGE's review make the game sound like shit, just ignore all that.

Try it out for yourself and don't be put off by the initial learning curve that you will go though when you're getting used to the wheel.

This is no Double Dash part 2, but instead this is the game which DS Mario Kart would be when put on a console.

And many people call that one the best in the series.

Sure it's way too soon to say anything like this about the Wii game just yet, but I would definitely not be surprised when in a couple of months time, the general consensus would be that this is the best Mario Kart game in the series up until this day. :)

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If EGM put out such a compilation, I would buy it if it went back far enough into the 90's, regardless of getting the back issues for Free on here. And it's hard to justify stealing a brand new game that isn't even out yet where you live by comparing it to scanning old magazines that aren't offered by the publisher anymore, using a "what if" scenario.

And while you may have only spent a quarter for the DVD to burn the stolen game on, I'll have a nice complete copy to go into my collection with a nice glossy manual. I'm happy to spend my money on good games so that the developer can make more good games in the future.

This will be my last post on the subject, but if you truly believe you are not breaking any laws downloading scans then so be it :) Obviously my example is just that.... an example but I see the point did not hit home. At any rate there is no point arguing on the internet like retards. I'll be off playing Mario Kart Wii, speaking of which I need to hook up with meppi and see just how good he is :D

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i didnt really bother checking out reviews. I just pre-ordered it knowing it wouldnt be disappointing :)

Well I thought I heard that the game was being handled by the same team that did the DS version, so I knew it would be great.

But then all kinds of disinformation started being spread around, by some sources like IGN actually, where Matt Cassimasima said the game was handed of to a second rate developer and not being done by Nintendo internally.

Other crap was spewed about this game catering purely to the Wii Fit crowd and that all traces of hardcore Mario Kart games of the past had been erased and dumbed down to be the most casual game as possible.

Suffice to say, all of that turned out to be the biggest pile of #$à@&. <_<

The game has indeed been made by Hideki Konno's team as can be seen in this Iwata Asks interview. Pretty much the father of Super Mario Kart. :)

As his pedigree includes games like Super Mario Kart, Mario KArt 64,Super Mario World, F-Zero X, Yoshi's Island, Wind Waker and of course Mario Kart DS which went back to it's roots.

So its shouldn't be surprising that it turned out so incredibly well. :D

I'll be off playing Mario Kart Wii, speaking of which I need to hook up with meppi and see just how good he is :D


Just don't let my ugly mug put you off. :P

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Sorry I've been away from the site for such a long time. I've been doing a lot of catch-up reading. I just got Mario Kart Wii this morning and I am enjoying it so far. I have only played through all of the new tracks on 50cc mode so I'm still getting a feel for the game. I played MK64 a lot back in college. I think that MKDS is my favorite. I'm looking forward to trying to master this new entry.

If anyone would like to add me, here's my FC: 3823-8912-3342. PM me if you would like to race.

Incidentally, I'll be out of town on my annual camping trip next week so I won't be online much from Monday through Thursday.

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I have avoided about 3 blue shells....I cant figure out how though.....the first one was on Waluigi's dirt bike course......the blue shell missed me as I was doing one of the big ramp jumps.....now it could have been 1 of two things....

1) The boost before the ramp helped me boost past the blue shell coming down on me

2) The blue shell does not explode until it touches the ground....which if I just jumped the ramp....the ground would be a long ways beneath me....hence I basically jumped over the explosion.

They are a bitch though....I have been hit with 2 in one lap and thats no fun......Oh and the Blue/Red combo is a bitch also....getting hit with a blue and then a red right after <_<

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