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Open Position: Distributor


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Retromags is looking for someone to take at least 1 magazine out of our Download section and place it on a Public or Private tracker.


Download at least 1 magazine per week

Create a torrent out of the .cbr and .nfo files

Create a hotlink back to www.retromags.com

Seed for 1 week if on a Public tracker

Seed until at least 4 other people are seeding on a Private Tracker

Send off weekly report of what was uploaded and where to myself


Able to Download up to 10 Magazines Per week while in this position

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  • 1 month later...
Guest SeanV

I'm totally up for this. I'm constantly seeding stuff anyways.

However, I'd much rather torrent an entire magazine, or at least do it in 50-issue increments. Do we actually have any collections that fit this description? There's some great advantages to having large torrents rather than many small ones:

  • Leechers can pick and choose which issues they want without having to search through the tracker and download 50+ torrents
  • Less clutter, both on the tracker's website and the client's list of torrents (meaning they'll have less incentive to trim them and stop seeding)
  • Such collection torrents appear at the top of the tracker's list for activity, even if each person only has one file in the torrent

There are a couple problems with large torrents though:

  • newbies may think they'd have to download the entire 12-gig torrent (but we'll let them know)
  • Any changes/updates/additions to the torrent means we either delete the original torrent and seed a new one, or make smaller supplemental torrents, which would be just as confusing as many smaller ones.

A couple months ago I came across 9gigs of 145 Nintendo Power magazines, that's actually how I found this site. I'm missing 15 issues and a lot of them say (missing poster) or something. I'm not sure if there are any updated versions or not but I could go about checking.


I'm gonna focus on NP first considering I already have most of them. I'll be going through my issues and compare them to your current versions' timestamps.

Which trackers should I upload to? (PirateBay, Mininova...)

50-issue increments sound good? I'd probably be better to go by year, though -- 5 year increments?

Also, what do you mean by "Seed until at least 4 other people are seeding on a Private Tracker"? Private Trackers?

another question: Why are half the NP issues in an "old issues" subcategory? I haven't done much lurking here yet so excuse my naivety.

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