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My Zelda Collection (update)


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So I found a copy of Links Awakening for the GB at Gamestop for $3 :)

Now I almost have a complete collection of Zelda Games......


The Legend of Zelda (NES)

The Adventure of Link (NES)

A Link to the Past (SNES)

Links Awakening (GB)

Ocarina of Time (N64)

Majora's Mask (N64)

Oracle of Seasons (GBC)

Oracle of Ages (GBC)

The Wind Waker (GC)

Twilight Princess (Wii)

Phantom Hourglass (NDS)


Four Swords (GBA)

Four Swords Adventures (GC)

The Minish Cap (GBA)

Missing Unofficial

The Faces of Evil (CDI)

The Wand of Gamelon (CDI)

Zelda's Adventure (CDI)

I know there are ports and clones, but not really interested in collecting them. Cant wait to get those last 3 :)

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  meppi said:
Don't forget OOT the master quest which came with Wind Waker in Europe. Could be that it was a pre-order bonus in the States, I'm not sure.

And there's also the Game&Watch game. :grin:

I do own this one.....


But I dont own this one ......


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Oh, there are 2 versions? And they have their own packaging. Very nice.

we had a special edition of both Mario Kart and The Wind Waker where one had Zelda: Collector Edition and the other had OOT: Master Quest and MM.

But both were simply double disc boxes.

And if you'd like to go for a complete set you will also need Twilight Princess on GC which is completely mirrored compared to the Wii game and the GBC version of Link's Awakening which has an extra color based dungeon.

Not sure if you'd want it, but you might even include Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (http://www.play.com/Games/DS/4-/3431575/-/Product.html?searchstring=Tingle&searchsource=0).

It's more of a spin of, but still much more part of the Zelda universe than the CDi games. :wink:

Only was released in Japan an Europe though.

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  meppi said:
Oh, there are 2 versions? And they have their own packaging. Very nice.

we had a special edition of both Mario Kart and The Wind Waker where one had Zelda: Collector Edition and the other had OOT: Master Quest and MM.

But both were simply double disc boxes.

And if you'd like to go for a complete set you will also need Twilight Princess on GC which is completely mirrored compared to the Wii game and the GBC version of Link's Awakening which has an extra color based dungeon.

Not sure if you'd want it, but you might even include Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (http://www.play.com/Games/DS/4-/3431575/-/Product.html?searchstring=Tingle&searchsource=0).

It's more of a spin of, but still much more part of the Zelda universe than the CDi games. :wink:

Only was released in Japan an Europe though.

Good info to know, I still need to complete my Gameboy system collection also......just missing

Gameboy Light (JP)

Gameboy Micro

Gameboy Advance (old style)

One day Im gonna get me a Virtual boy, Hopefully I dont go blind :laughing:

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I just got a GameBoy Light a couple of months ago, love the thing.

Much better for playing classic GameBoy games in bed at night, instead of having to screw around with a worm light or something.

A GBA SP fixes that problem, but it's not exactly the same playing the old games on it if you know what I mean. :wink:

The Micro is also a great little system. Very nice screen and I love the buttons.

I would actually prefer that Nintendo uses the buttons in their other systems as well.

I love my 2 Virtual Boy's despite there not being many games on it.

Galactic Pinball is a must. Wario Land is great as well and I really enjoy Tennis, Vertical force and Teleroboxer as well.

Red alarm is nice and Space Squash is great fun but would be much better in 2 player mode.

If you come across a copy of Space Invaders for a decent price, don't pass it up as it can go for between $300-$600.

I got mine for €290....... :shuriken:

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  eday_2010 said:
I wouldn't call the CD-i games unnofficial. they are original games, fully licensed to Philips by Nintendo. The games had Nintendo's blessing :)

Havent played them yet, but first need to get a CDI

God its going for $84 with 3 hours left


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I'd call them lots of things, but not necessary unofficial. :tongue:

A Capcom developed Zelda game, that I have no problem with, but these Philips abominations...

Let me put it like this, I love classic games and have even bought a Jaguar just to play Tempest 2000, but even I have no desire to ever get a CDi to play any games. Not even if someone offered it for free. :fear:

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  meppi said:
Don't forget OOT the master quest which came with Wind Waker in Europe. Could be that it was a pre-order bonus in the States, I'm not sure.

And there's also the Game&Watch game. :grin:

I have the game & watch game, and I quite proud of it, I got it when I was a kid, most people I run into never knew it ever existed

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