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How Much Is Gas In Your Area?


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  Thor said:
Today when I checked it was 3.69 which is .10 more than just 2 days ago.

Same in Northern Virginia.....its getting ridiculous now!

Pretty soon I am going to start labeling the price of everything in life by its equivilant in Gasoline.

Hey how much does GTA4 cost?

Its roughly 12 gallons of gasoline

Hey how much do you pay for high speed internet

Oh I pay about 9 gallons of gasoline per month

Hey how much does Suzy on the corner charge for that thing she does with her tongue?

Oh its only about 7 gallons of gasoline, 10 if you want her to do it clockwise!

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Anyone in the market for a used SUV? I knew this kind of thing would happen eventually, but at this rate, I can see the number of SUVs on the streets dropping 50% by next year. I actually don't care either way. I wouldn't have bought one even if the gas was $2/gallon.


  Phillyman said:
Same in Northern Virginia.....its getting ridiculous now!

Pretty soon I am going to start labeling the price of everything in life by its equivilant in Gasoline.

Hey how much does GTA4 cost?

Its roughly 12 gallons of gasoline

Hey how much do you pay for high speed internet

Oh I pay about 9 gallons of gasoline per month

Hey how much does Suzy on the corner charge for that thing she does with her tongue?

Oh its only about 7 gallons of gasoline, 10 if you want her to do it clockwise!

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  kbf_private_joker said:
Anyone in the market for a used SUV? I knew this kind of thing would happen eventually, but at this rate, I can see the number of SUVs on the streets dropping 50% by next year. I actually don't care either way. I wouldn't have bought one even if the gas was $2/gallon.


LOL, I drive a Dodge Ram pickup and oh yeh the mileage does suck pretty bad but I'll never get rid of it. It is extremely comfortable and YES, I do actually use it. Not all the time, but enough to where it has saved me plenty of money in the past 6 years I've had it. I love the guy they used for that story though. If you look closely to the wheel on his black Dodge Ram, that is a wheel for the SRT-10 Viper Ram. Plus he has a kid in the rear which means its a 4 door Ram (more weight) and has an automatic tranny instead of stick (less MPG). So basically, yeh I can see why he is pissed......BECAUSE HE IS GETTING 5 MILES TO THE GALLON!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

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Yeah, I noticed that also. The SRT-10 has a 500 HP Dodge Viper engine. Not the most fuel efficient vehicle around.

  JoNJoN said:
LOL, I drive a Dodge Ram pickup and oh yeh the mileage does suck pretty bad but I'll never get rid of it. It is extremely comfortable and YES, I do actually use it. Not all the time, but enough to where it has saved me plenty of money in the past 6 years I've had it. I love the guy they used for that story though. If you look closely to the wheel on his black Dodge Ram, that is a wheel for the SRT-10 Viper Ram. Plus he has a kid in the rear which means its a 4 door Ram (more weight) and has an automatic tranny instead of stick (less MPG). So basically, yeh I can see why he is pissed......BECAUSE HE IS GETTING 5 MILES TO THE GALLON!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
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  • 3 weeks later...
  Phillyman said:
I just filled up this morning, $46.84 for a little over 14 Gallons. I think the price per gallon was like $3.27. I looked at my millage and since my last full tank I did 277 Miles.

It just keeps getting worse doesn't it? :(

Jesus, it was $3.83 at the cheapest spot in town!!!

the highest i saw driving along the freeway was $4.37 i was like wow. go 2 minutes south of that and get it for 3.83... hmm

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Phillyman said:
I just filled up this morning, $46.84 for a little over 14 Gallons. I think the price per gallon was like $3.27. I looked at my millage and since my last full tank I did 277 Miles.

It just keeps getting worse doesn't it? :(

I just paid 4.29 on gas this morning, I also have a small car with 14 gallons. I spent close to 60 bucks on it. Thank God my car gets like 35 miles to the gallon

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  LaXDragon said:
On average the last few times it's been around $4.20 for me. Granted, I have to put premium in my car. Engine requires a minimum of 91 octane.

Mini Cooper FTW! :-p

I know someone at work that has a Mini Cooper, always bragging about his gas mileage, I keep meaning to create a motivational poster that has a wrecked mini cooper and says "Good Gas Mileage dont mean squat when your dead!"

As a joke of course :P

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  LaXDragon said:
On average the last few times it's been around $4.20 for me. Granted, I have to put premium in my car. Engine requires a minimum of 91 octane.

Mini Cooper FTW! :-p

Now I understand one of the reasons why its so much more in the UK... 95 octane is standard.

If a car gets less than 40mpg it's not considered that great.

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