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Gamepro Downloads


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I'm not sure which they are now, as believe it or not I accidentaly deleted a GB or so worth of downloads! - some of which I'd spent ages editing (Nintendo Power and some others where occasional pages are stuck together + the posters which I'd put into a seperate file as it ruined the continuity) but I think the mags were either the #80s labeled as #90s or the other way around.

EDIT: Sorry, I think this should've gone in the Magazines Section? :)

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You deleted them off ofhere, or on your computer?

GamePro messed around with their numbering system in 1995 or 1996. When they stopped putting out their SWATPRO magazine, they counted its issue count in the GamePro total, which is why it jumps 10 issues or so. So while they labeled January 1997 as issue 100, it was actually issue 90 or something.

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OK, thanks. I kinda get that but I've never heard of SWATPRO magazine (I'm in the UK).

I accidentaly deleted the GamePros and others from my computer.. The Premium Membership is still holding out so I should be alright although I have no idea when it will expire (proberbly should keep my mouth shut) :)

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