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Club Nintendo Issues


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Well the new Club Nintendo issues just came in, so now I have 10 magazines laying here, ready to get scanned. :grin:

I must say that I'm actually surprised at the 5.1 and 5.2 issues as we never got those over here in Belgium.

One with a Super Mario Kart cover and the second one with a Starwing (Starfox) cover.

I'm wondering if there ever were any issues after that... Club Nintendo Vol.5 Issue 3 - 1993 (UK) etc.

If anyone knows this it could be quite helpful.

Once these are released we will almost have 2/3 of the complete set. :grin:

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The first one of the new batch has just been uploaded.

Club Nintendo Vol.5 Issue 2 - 1993 (UK)


A bit of a special one for me, since I didn't know there were any issues released after 4-6 until I saw the auction for them.

The Belgium version of this magazine stopped at 4-6 as far as I know since that was the last one Nintendo sent to me back in the day.

Glad to see there were at least 2 more of these released in the UK before Nintendo decided that one monthly magazine would be enough. Which turned out to be Nintendo Magazine System.

Enjoy. :happy:

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Perhaps comparing the date of issue #1 of Nintendo Magazine System with the last date you have of Club Nintendo would help? I have tried searching but to no avail

I thought about that as well, but sadly that won't do us any good.

you see, at the back of issue 5-1 there is an add for Nintendo Magazine System, so you can see that they were already planning to guide the readers towards that magazine before they stopped making Club Nintendo's.

The problem is that the issue they are advertising is already issue nr.4.

So there was an overlapping period.

I would be tempted to say that issue 5-2 was probably the final one since the seller had the complete Vol.4 set as well as 5-1 and 5-2. So he probably had them up to the very end.

Along with the add for NMS, it makes perfect sense, but yeah, we can't be 100% certain about it as of now.

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  • 2 months later...
I thought about that as well, but sadly that won't do us any good.

you see, at the back of issue 5-1 there is an add for Nintendo Magazine System, so you can see that they were already planning to guide the readers towards that magazine before they stopped making Club Nintendo's.

The problem is that the issue they are advertising is already issue nr.4.

So there was an overlapping period.

I would be tempted to say that issue 5-2 was probably the final one since the seller had the complete Vol.4 set as well as 5-1 and 5-2. So he probably had them up to the very end.

Along with the add for NMS, it makes perfect sense, but yeah, we can't be 100% certain about it as of now.

Hi peeps, noobie here, Just to let you know i am in the uk and i have club nintendo magazines volume 3 1991 issues 3,4,5 and the rare 6 (has a coffee ring on bottom left) and volume 4 issue 1 (1992) and a club nintendo classic magazine with mario and his friends on the front. Also the strategy guide and a boy and his blob pull out. oh and i have one of the front sheets that came with the magazines which has my old address and a picture of the turtles,mario,batman and luigi on it. Willing to sell for the correct price! mail me and let me know if any of you are interested before i stick them on ebay.

cheers :)

Edited by meppi
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