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Just how bad can a magazine suck to be canned after 1 issue? I went and looked up some info on GameGo, since I have the first issue. This is what I found.....


Only one issue was ever published. It was distributed sometime in the year 2001, available at EB Games and various specialty stores in the US, and was mailed to paid subscribers. A second issue was completed, but there was not enough funding available to go ahead with printing. The fate of the magazine was up in the air for an extended period, and during that period a strongly dedicated online community thrived, but operations were ultimately shut down in 2002 after failing to find a way to bring the print magazine back to life.

The second issue was distributed in PDF format to anyone who asked for it. It can still be found on the Internet.


Thats absolutely horrible, I mean how do you start up a gaming magazine and only have enough money for 1 issue? Word of mouth cant spread that fast...so how do they know it would not have picked up.

Very weird, But Retromags now has the first issue scanned for your enjoyment, Eday should have it up tommorow or Saturday :)

PS - Its filled with half naked anime women!

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Ouch, forgot to reply to this topic when it was first posted as I'm actually the one who was asking for this one to be scanned. :blushing:

Not sure if it sucked or not since I haven't read it yet.

But what I do know is that it sure has a big following in certain parts of the web.

I remember when I used to visit the TNL a lot, that people would keep bringing this up.

It's supposed to be made with lost of love by people who hated what happened with Diehard Gamefan at the time.

So yes, it was supposed to be by hardcore gamers, for hardcore gamers.

But as we've seen with Maximum, such magazines don't seem to sell enough to be profitable. Doesn't matter how good the magazine actually is.

A bit sad really.

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