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Retro Gaming Purchases!


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  Phillyman said:
Picking this up off tomorrow from a local craigslist ad

$40 for the following



Oh and I bought one of these for $20! Keeping all my GBA and GB games inside of it B)


That's a pretty nice Master System lot you got there. I always wanted to jump in and give it a try, but never could get a hold of one. Got any suggestions on which games are worth the investment?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Spongeman56 said:
Oh meppi! Can you please upload that or something? That looks like a cool read. But its probably not 5 years old..

I would if I could, but I'm not sure how "safe" a book would actually be to scan and upload.

Don't want to step on anyones toes and put the site at risk. :unsure:

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  meppi said:
Just bought 16 brand new DreamCast official Sega controllers as well as 12 brand new official VMU's. :lol:

I guess I'm set for life when it comes to DreamCast. :DC:

Ah, yes. Much love and respect for the Dreamcast. I still have mine hooked up, along with my N64, PS2 and Wii. Believe it or not, I'm still using the very first Dreamcast controller that came with the console. I'm still using the two VMU's I've had since 1999 as well. Heck, I still have the promotional orange Dreamcast t-shirt I got at Babbage's or Software Etc. for pre-ordering the system (can't remember which of the two retailers now).

Back then, they made things that worked and lasted. I'll bet that if I had a Xbox360 (which I don't), it would have RROD'ed by now. :P

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  mattrob24 said:
Ah, yes. Much love and respect for the Dreamcast. I still have mine hooked up, along with my N64, PS2 and Wii. Believe it or not, I'm still using the very first Dreamcast controller that came with the console. I'm still using the two VMU's I've had since 1999 as well. Heck, I still have the promotional orange Dreamcast t-shirt I got at Babbage's or Software Etc. for pre-ordering the system (can't remember which of the two retailers now).

Back then, they made things that worked and lasted. I'll bet that if I had a Xbox360 (which I don't), it would have RROD'ed by now. :P

I actually have 4 Pal DreamCasts and one Japanese one.

To be honest I did blow through my first Pal DreamCast pretty quickly, but that was due to letting some amateur a-hole mod my DC so I could play Bangaioh when it came out in Japan.

He was someone who had modded dozens of PSones and said it wouldn't be a problem.

It might not have been a problem had he not completely botched the mod in such a way that the system overheated when it was on for long.

He had modded dozens of PSones and said it wouldn't be a problem to do the DC, but I didn't know at the time it would be his first shot at one.

The mod didn't work and I didn't have to pay him, but he left a not so nice surprise inside my not even one year old system.

I opened it up myself because it started making very strange sounds when I was playing it for over an hour.

What I found horrified me.

Not only was there a spiderweb of wires cluttering the inside of the system, as well as a dead mod chip still inside, but he had actually taped the mod chip partly in front of the fan.

No wonder my system overheated. :angry:

I kept it for replacement parts and bought a new one.

One my friend who bought and sold his systems every couple of months was planning to buy some other guy's complete DC collection, he had but one problem. It came with a system and he already had one.

So he asked me if I was interested in taking it of his hands for a mere €50.

I did so and put my new DC back in the box as a spare.

About a year later the DC's lens broke down. Probably because the previous owner had been playing lots of pirated games on it.

Luckily I could use the lens from my old dead DC and replace it. Still works till this day.

So in that way I'm always trying to look forward a bit and buy spare hardware for my systems before they become hard to find.

(6 brand new unopened Nintendo GameCube Wavebirds speak for themselves ;) )

Only payed €116 for the all those DC controllers and VMU's, including shipping. So it's quite a bargain. :)

The systems that are hooked up downstairs in the living room are my Wii and a Japanese Saturn and DreamCast.

Everything else is stored away upstairs for easy access, for whenever I want to play something else.

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  meppi said:
I actually have 4 Pal DreamCasts and one Japanese one.

Console hoarder! <j/k>

What I found horrified me.

Not only was there a spiderweb of wires cluttering the inside of the system, as well as a dead mod chip still inside, but he had actually taped the mod chip partly in front of the fan.

No wonder my system overheated. :angry:

Geez! That sucks.

So in that way I'm always trying to look forward a bit and buy spare hardware for my systems before they become hard to find.

(6 brand new unopened Nintendo GameCube Wavebirds speak for themselves ;) )

You should start a rental business. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here it is:


all my recent aquisitions plus some PS2 games

And now, in detail:


Nights into Dreams+Sega Saturn 3D pad = The bundle of dreams!



Some REALLY good retro games pack


Virtua Fighter Remix not for resale


The one wich originated advance wars, just brilliant!

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  • Retromags Curator

Got Zoom! for the Genesis in the mail last week from eBay. Hopefully it's good :)

  Saber08 said:
That's a pretty nice Master System lot you got there. I always wanted to jump in and give it a try, but never could get a hold of one. Got any suggestions on which games are worth the investment?

Alex Kidd in Miracle World

Gangster Town

Penguin Land

Psycho Fox

Double Dragon


Great Baseball

Great Basketball

Golden Axe

Phantasy Star

Golden Axe Warrior

Ghost House

Sonic the Hedgehog (get the Euro version as it's common compared to the identical US version with it's unique UPC sticker)

I know there are a few more, but they escape me at the moment.

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  JoNJoN said:
I really hate those crappy Sega black and white photocopy manuals :angry:

Yeah, they really are depressing.

One of the many reasons why I have started recollecting my games catalogue, but this time with Japanese versions.

Everything in color, pretty boxart, sweet artwork in the manuals etc. Along with full 60Hz no borders and full speed gameplay.

But that last part is only of interest for us sad Pal gamers. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Japanese WipEout 1 on PSone


And while I'm playing Dragon Quest 4 on DS I remembered that the only DQ game I was missing was DQ1+2 to be able to play through the complete series so I couldn't resist picking up a complete copy.

Was a bit pricey as it seems to be quite difficult to find, but what the hell.


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On Thursday night I bought 7 games for $13.89. It was a decent haul:

Game Boy: Bo Jackson (loose but in GB game case)

PSP, CIB: Ridge Racer

Dreamcast, CIB: Samba de Amigo, NBA 2K1, NFL 2K2, World Series Baseball 2K1

Dreamcast, NIB: NFL Quarterback Club 2000

There was a beautiful Sega Master System with light controller for $45, but because of the crappy economy that's out of my budget right now. I wish I had the $45, though... the SMS was in great shape...

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