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What Video Game Did You Last Play.


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  meppi said:
Without counting my daily Mario Kart hour or 2, it would have to be Dragon Quest Monsters Joker last night in bed.

I cant wait for Mario Kart, Last night while watching Law and Order I saw the commercial for Mario kart, I immediately paused the TV and ran to the other room to grab the Girlfriend to come watch it with me. Just sux that I have to buy the game and 2 extra wheels.....thats like $80 for 1 game!

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Can't wait to play you and the other guys and girls on here! :Yahooo:

But just a bit of warning, don't take the online part to seriously, and by that I mean you VS rankings.

It can be very frustrating to get over 7000-8000 points and then suddenly lose 500-1000 in a couple of matches simply because some idiot likes to drive around as Bowser and bump everyone of the track, including you.

Or seeing some guys using nothing but motorbikes, usually without the wheel and pretty much dominate the race, and while you're trying to take him out you're getting stabbed in the back by someone who rather shoots 3 red shells up your ... instead of keeping 2 of them to fire at the wheelless dude at the front who is getting further and further ahead since noone is shooting at him. :rolleyes:

When you have a good group, it's one of the best online experiences you can have. But when you have you have a bunch of lamers it will get very tempting to throw your controller through the tv. :P

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I wish I had more time but at the age I'm getting to, real life is becoming quite the pain. I played some Project Gotham 4 a couple weeks ago but nothing since. Sad thing is I have picked up Test Drive Unlimited and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue since then and haven't touched them :angry:

OOOHHHH, almost forgot, I snagged NBA Homecourt for $15 at Target and haven't' touched that yet either UGH

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  eday_2010 said:
Just played a bit of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Mega amazing.

I really need to go back to that one.

Played it up until 3rd dungeon I think before I got sidetracked with other stuff.

Even though the game doesn't look like it, to me it feels like a straight sequel to the original Zelda on NES.

I know, I know, they are very different on so many levels. But still, there's something in it's design and feel that brought back that classical Zelda 1 feeling for me after I played for an hour or so.

Wonderful game! :)

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  Prophane33 said:
Recently been playing Wipeout Pure on PSP

You should really try WipEout Pulse then.

It's a bit different from Pure, but it's still just as incredible as always. Easily my favourite PSP game!

One of the great options is that you can load your own MP3s into it, so you can listen to all the original Cold Storage tracks from the original games. Cardiodrome, Doh-T and Messij are some of the best track ever. Not to mention Under the Influence by the Chemical Brothers, Atom Bomb by Fluke, X-pander by Sasha and Afro Ride by Leftfield.

I'm getting goosebumps right now thinking of these tracks. :Yahooo:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing some Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. I've finished all the races for C, B, and A class and now have to do the S class races but the penalties you get for cutting the track line or bumping another car is ridiculous. Anybody that has played this game to this point will know what I'm talking about.

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