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Just a couple examples:

Retromags or no retromags, I WILL finish the Nintendo Power project. There has been A LOT more work done on it than what appears on this site.

What the f... does this have to do with anything in the topic he replied in.

Basically saying: screw this site, I don't care if it's here or not, I'm gonna do my own thing anyway.

I have a lot more stuff that you haven't seen yet, blah blah blah.

Thank goodness, I have the old READABLE skin back now! NEVER use a combination of dark colors on a site that actually has text. That is reserved for people who stay up til 6AM just for the hell of it.

Bitch, bitch, bitch. Even about a dumb thing like a new skin.

If your scanner can do 300dpi without each page taking 5 minutes, do that. Otherwise try 200 or 150. Save everything at the highest quality (100% jpg or tiff) until they have been fully edited, and then resize and compress so that each page is about 800K, or a two page spread is about 1.6M - I generally have photoshop resize to 150dpi and then save at JPG quality 8.

Telling new scanners to do things his shitty way instead of letting them simply follow the more or less standard retromags way of scanning and editing.

If the quality was better than our regular ones, I wouldn't have a problem with it, heck, I would even use those methods myself then.

But that's simply not the case, so why encourage others to take the low quality approach simply because he's to stubborn and stupid to look at his own work objectively.

The last time I checked this wasn't fusoyamags, and even though I'm not religious, I'll pray to God that it never becomes just that.

I just took another look at the Nintendo Power 5 again and despite it being rescanned by the new member mek1, fusoya still seems to refuse to include the 'Thank you' page at the end of the CBR.

That's just simply being an asshole and trying to piss people off. I mean it's not his work, so why does he treat it like his. (where he also should be putting a retromags page at the end of, although seeing how he treats his releases we might be better of not having the Retromags page in there :P )

Wouldn't surprise me he's actually trying to get Philly to comment on those things again, so he can play the victim on the open board once more since the other members don't know the background story...

Damn, I'm starting to hate this idiot...

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Nah, Philly. You don't have to go against him. That's why I posted this here.

He certainly has an agenda against you, that much we know.

So you might play into his game and turn him into a martyr to people not knowing exactly what's going on...

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  • Retromags Curator
Nah, Philly. You don't have to go against him. That's why I posted this here.

He certainly has an agenda against you, that much we know.

So you might play into his game and turn him into a martyr to people not knowing exactly what's going on...

You do know that yourself and Eday have the power to suspend members.....I can look the other way ;)

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Yeah I know. But I'd try to only use that if there isn't any other way.

I've told you when you first made me a mod about the troubles I've seen on a certain other board (VGI shop), where there were a couple of complete assholes destroying just about every decent conversation that started.

They pretty much took over that board and I tried my best to stop it, but the owner couldn't do much as they were customers, and the other mods were afraid to get involved.

I warned them that the board was going to self-destruct if things didn't change. But noone listened and I left. 6 months later the board was taken offline and has been ever since.

That's why I was hesitant to accept becoming a mod here at first.

I'm trying to do thing a bit different this time, hoping to not make the same mistakes and try to keep arguments and fights to a minimum.

But with someone like fusoya that isn't very easy.

I've tried to ignore his remarks as well, but if you don't react he feels like he's in a stronger position when he brings up his next argument. So in the end I do react, even though I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing.

You might have seen in a previous topic that I even put together a cbr to show him how exactly his way of doing things lowers the overall quality of the releases.

That CBR took me close to an hour to put together with all the recropping of his scans and everything.

But he simply ignores everything and sticks to his ways, no matter what you put in front of him...

I haven't seen anyone act like him on here. Sure, there might be differences of opinions, like with wildlele a couple weeks back. :P

But that doesn't compare at all. And in the end that's all they are, differences of opinion.

I honestly believe that the way everyone is working on the retromags project, it would be foolish to have it ruined by an individual with an axe to grind due to past occurrences.

The way I see it Retromags is the best site out there for videogame magazine scans, and I would hate to see the quality take a significant drop by having 1 person wanting to do things his way.

I'll see how he reacts in the coming days, and if he doesn't change his ways I'll suspend his account.

But I would like to hear from eday as well before taking such steps.

We would also need to delete his uploads as well, otherwise he could say that we took what we wanted and then kicked him out.

We've come across much harder to find magazines in the last couple of months, so I wouldn't worry about losing 10 or so scans that we are sure to be able to replace.

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Go play some mario kart :P

Why couldnt 420 come back.....noooooo it had to by Fusoya!

Lol if I do that now and come across a no-wheel Funky Kong motorbike racer I'll probably chuck my TV through the window. :lol:

Seriously, I'm this close to suspending him.... :(

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  • Retromags Curator
I tried to skip over that topic, hoping that by letting other members argue with him....that he might realize that "HE" is being a dick. If I keep argueing with him he may see it as myself using my Admin status as trying to control him. I will post my reply now....

People like him never realize that they are the problem. It's always everyone else. And if he sees you arguing with him as you using your admin status to try and control him, who cares? It is your site, afterall, and he is just one dipshit who seems to get on a lot of people's nerves. I'm aware that I am able to suspend him but 1) I was just made an admin and don't want to be seen by other members or admins as trying to run things; 2) he hasn't really done anything wrong as far as I am concerned. He's just expressing his very wrong opinion about joined pages. Yes, it's annoying people, but he is not being insulting about it. If he starts taking scans that are already out and scanned by someone else and doing his joined pages crap on those, then I would see that as a major problem.

Can someone tell me why he is even here if he is not putting the thank you page in and is going to do things the way he likes them no matter how many members object? If he was releasing a single page AND joined page version of his scans, then that would be great. But he already said he won't take the extra 2 minutes to zip up the jpegs for a single page version before joining the pages. So for those who don't like the joined pages, someone has to either scan that same issue again, or they have to take his issue, split the pages and then release it. More work than if he would do it from the start.

What a boner.

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