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Not really picked up, but I just wired €50 to my VC account to download Lost Winds, Star Soldier R and Dr. Mario.

Had a quick play on the WFC Multiplayer on Dr. Mario which is lots of fun.

The extra mode doesn't seem like anything worthwhile though. Virus Buster or whatever it's called.

Lost Wind is amazing. Extremely beautiful game in a minimalist sort of way.

Extremely fun to play and the music is magical. Love this game already! :)

Star Soldier R. Despite many people having a huge problem that the game is only a caravan mode and not a regular style shooter as well, I pretty much don't care.

Shooters are to few and far between these days, so i'll grab every one that I can and this one doesn't disappoint. Especially if you love to play for high-scores and love the old Famicom and PC-Engine caravan modes in the Hudson and Naxat shooters.

If you don't like them that way, you might be better of downloading one of the many PC-Engine shooters on the VC instead. ;)

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Very nice catch there Philly.

The only one I have heard anything bad about is the Sonic MD game. The port is supposed to be not that hot.

I think it had to do with the GBA not having the same resolution of the MD game or something.

But I haven't played the game myself so I don't really know.

MKSS is great! The handling is completely different to the newer ones but once you get the hang of it it's absolutely wonderful.

Very nice that all the Snes levels are included as well.

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  meppi said:
Very nice catch there Philly.

The only one I have heard anything bad about is the Sonic MD game. The port is supposed to be not that hot.

I think it had to do with the GBA not having the same resolution of the MD game or something.

But I haven't played the game myself so I don't really know.

MKSS is great! The handling is completely different to the newer ones but once you get the hang of it it's absolutely wonderful.

Very nice that all the Snes levels are included as well.

Yea I owned Mario Kart about 4 years ago but sold it, I picked up all those games for $10 each....except Mario Kart which I paid $20

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Bought Lego Indiana Jones for the Wii on Saturday. Also got Super MArio 64 DS, Rune Factory, Yoshi's Island DS, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time and FF Crystal Chronicles all for the DS in the last month and a half. And I just ordered Legend of Zelda, the Minish Cap for the GBA from estarland.com :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Picked up Elite Beat Agents on my trip to Holland this weekend.

But the thing is, I prefer Ouendan 1 and 2 over this release.

The music just isn't as catchy and good overall and the timing between the music and the action in the Japanese games is perfect, while in EBA the things on screen don't appear to be synced with what's playing all that well.

To bad as I absolutely adore Ouendan 1 and 2.

As for Contra 4, I was getting tired of waiting for a European release date to be announced, which might never happen, so I imported the USA version for once.

Loving this game.

At first I thought, this isn't as hard as everyone keeps saying.

I blew through the first level without hardly any trouble. Loved the end boss.

But then came level 2 with the aliens. :D

Started dying over and over again, which makes it even harder as you lose your weapons.

Got into the cave and scaled up the waterfall. Then died a bit further. Will go back to this tonight after work.

More games should be exactly like this! :)

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Yoshi Touch & Go is one of the most underrated games on the DS.

The only thing it has going against it, is that you have to love score based arcade style games.

It might not have lots of depth, but the game is sooooooooooo much fun! :)

If you can, be sure to try out the VS mode as well, it's a blast.

I think my copy of Space Invaders Extreme should be shipping shortly.

It's pre-ordered, and I just noticed that it's in stock at play.com, so I should have it soon me thinks. :)

My Japanese copy of Arkanoid, along with the paddle is gonna be for when my summer vacation starts, which is in 3 weeks time.

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I picked up Smash Bros Brawl Thursday before last (yay for early postage from online retailers) which has reignited my passion for hoarding games. So I ordered MechAssault Phantom War for the DS (a snip at £8.04) and then imported Chosoju Mecha MG from PlayAsia for about £11.

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  Phillyman said:
Picked them up from CircuitCity.com $19.99 each with free shipping


That Arkanoid boxart is so sweet, especially the original Arkaoid logo.

I wish the Pal version had that.

Although I'm getting the Japanese one soon (with paddle), and I don't know how that one looks like.

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