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Amazon had Contra 4 for $13.....had to get it!


Absolutely fantastic game. You'll love it! :D

Seeing as my 3 week vacation starts in 3 days, I have just ordered quite a bunch of stuff to keep me occupied.

So there will be quite a few more posts from me in here and especially in the retro topic as well. :Yahooo:

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Japanese version including the Paddle controller, which is actually very well made.

Despite being quite a bit smaller, it feels exactly like the paddle controller on the original Arkanoid arcade machine.

When swirling the know it actually keeps spinning in that direction and it has a nice heavy feel to it. The game is only half as much fun without it.

What a dumb move to not bring this to the west...

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I have Rune Factory as well. I have yet to play it though. I am trying to get some other games out of the way first before starting a time consuming RPG.

Picked up Kirby Canvas Curse and Power Rangers Super Legends for the DS on Monday. Go Go Power Rangers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on my way to finish the last 2 puzzle pack on Picross DS. (Took me long enough ;) )

So I was left with the dilemma of erasing all my data, creating 100 random puzzles and start from scratch or get the Japanese copy, download 10 classic official Nintendo packs and start the rest also from scratch.

Well, the last option just won out. I came across a play-asia deal where I could buy a new Japanese copy for only €12, including shipping.

No need to say, many sleepless nights will follow. :)

If there are more people on here the have become utterly addicted to Picross DS and would like to create and swap good self made puzzles, let me know.

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Be sure to give Picross a bit time Philly, especially if it's your first.

Picross DS was my first version as well and I bought it because of the huge amount of praise it was getting from long time Picross fans.

But when I first tried it out, it seemed very boring to me and not interesting at all.

The problem is that the 5x5 puzzles are basically just crap.

Necessary crap, but still crap. What I mean by this is that you need a bit of time to get your head around the concept and develop a strategy of yourself.

And you'll also need to learn how to see the puzzles. By which I mean, at first you'll start out at whatever line you think.

But after a bit of time you'll start to understand that the lines at the side can be the most helpful as you can deduct much more information about the crossing lines out of those ones.

Sounds complicated but it isn't really.

A good trick to start of with is if you have a line of 10 and you need to x out 7 connecting blocks, that you start counting from one side up to 7, then remember that spot and count from the other side as well. Again remember this spot, and now you can fill in those blocks inbetween those 2 spots since you know that there have to be blocks there.

Like this:


This might sound alien to you right now, but you'll soon get the hang of it.

Just don't make the same mistake I did at the start.

After playing a dozen puzzles I put the game away because I couldn't see the fun in it, only to give it another try a couple of months later and became so addicted to it that I bought the Japanese GB and Super Famicom games as well. :)

And now the Japanese DS game also.

Best advise I can give you: Stick with it. You'll thank me in the end. ;)

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Woohoo, my Japanese Picross DS copy just arrived! :Yahooo:

Already downloaded a bunch of Japanese only puzzles.

I can't believe how many puzzle packs are actually out for the Japanese version.

Here in Europe we only got 2 puzzle packs containing 10 puzzles each, and these are so easy.

Not only are there 50 puzzles from Mario no Picross on the GameBoy online, but also 50 for Mario no Super Picross on Super Famicom.

And on top of those you have the download only puzzles from the Super Famicom Picross NP Vol.1 through 8, which come to another 400 puzzles!!!!!

I love this game. :)

To bad you can only save 100 classic puzzles at one time on time on the DS cart...

But you get to delete individual puzzles from the list and download more packs, so you're able to get rid of the simple 5x5 10x10 and 15x15 puzzles and fill the card up with 100 20x20 puzzles or higher.

On top of that you can create and save another 100 self made puzzles. so if you write down your favourite Picross NP puzzles and enter them manually, you can have 200 of them on one cart on top of the 400 or so puzzles that are already in there.

On to another years journey trying to beat every single puzzle on the cart. :D

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Or you can order a Japanese copy from play-asia as well and enjoy the many bonus puzzles. Tried out my first 20x20 one in Picross NP Vol.8 and it's great.

Very tough, but that's the way I like them now that I've played so many puzzles. One can take up to almost half an hour to solve when you're playing in free mode. :)

The Japanese copy does have all the menus and stuff in Japanese, so it might be a bit hard to figure out if you can't read the language.

But seeing as you have a US copy as well, it shouldn't be to hard once you know how the menus work.

Heard something about the US version also having specific download puzzles. I'm starting to get tempted about picking such a copy up as well.

If you find the time, could you tell me a bit about the US download packs. The more detail, the easier my decision will be. ;)

Oh and I'm not sure if I mentioned it yet, but I prefer playing with the D-pad and buttons. It's much easier to count the blocks as well as to fill them in on the larger puzzles.

You might find free mode intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of the regular mode where they tell you when you make an error, you'll love moving on to free mode. :)

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My brother got Mario Kart DS two days ago. Ive played with him on Wi-Fi and its actually really fun. I though it would be hard and akward but no its not.

The reason I like Retro gaming better is because its not soo expensive and, to tell you the truth, I dont have the money to buy $60 games like Madden 09 (which I really want) or GTA IV. And then when I go into a store, they have an amazing game like Metroid for $20 or even less if the sticker is ripped or something like that, I got Super Mario 2 for $15 instead of $20 because the label on the top was ripped to "Bros. 2".

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Finished with 18, our best showing ever.. Not that it matters. The Olympics are a waste of time and money. Azerbaijan did better than Belgium :P

Bought Final Fantasy IV forthe DS and SNK Arcade Classics Vol 1 for the Wii. September will be a heavy month for buying games :(

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