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Got 'Splosion Man and A Kingdom for Keflings last night.

Also have The Beatles Rock Band pre-ordered. and I might as well say I bought Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box now, since I will be getting it the instant it comes out next week. that way I don't have to post again :)

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Bought the expansion pack for Crash Commando on PSN last night.

2 new levels and now 6 selectable characters.

Coupled with the weapon tweaks and better bot AI and other adjustments make this one a great update in my book!

Wiggling my butt while wearing a french maid outfit in a room with 11 other men has never been this much fun.

Well, besides that one time at the beach with those sailors, where we..... eum never mind that. :bag:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was thinking about buying Batman Arkham Asylum for the 360 yesterday but then I decided not to get it because a guy I was chatting to said that the combat really suck's in the game. He said that it was really simplistic. I just checked out a review of the game on Area5 today though and those guy's gave it a glowing review so I may get it after all.

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Count_Zero, what did you think of Re-shelled? I wish they'd done better with it.. I also thought that FFT:A2 was excellent. I liked it a lot better than the GBA game and almost as much as the original PS game. There's a lot to it.

I really recommend Arkham Asylum. I don't own it yet, but I've played it and it's the Batman game I've always been waiting for. The fighting isn't bad, it just takes a little bit to get used to. It's basically a fighting system made to take on groups of people at once, it's pretty cool, really.

I want the Beatles Rock Band REAAALLY bad, the Limited Edition version, with the nice instruments. Too bad it costs as much as a new system.. =/

Recently I've ahold of Muramasa the Demon Blade, Scribblenauts, DDR Hottest Party 2, and Active Life Extreme Challenge.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Retromags Curator

Is that game good? I was kind of interested in buying it, myself.

It's pretty good. I mean, for $8, it doesn't have to do anything but entertain me for a few hours. :)

It's basically a horror-themed FPS with a suitably Barker-esque concept: possessing your teammates to use their skills to get through certain areas. Enemy design is grotesque but kinda repetitive, and gameplay is on the simpler side, but I'd say it's worth $10. :)

I finally took the dive........

......and went and bought a PS3 Slim.

Good work! Welcome to the next level! :)



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  • 1 year later...
  • Retromags Curator

Nobody's posted in this thread in two years?? That is depressing.

Anyhow, in September I got Kirby's Mass Attack for the DS. It's a fun game, but it gets annoying after a while when you need to collect all the medallions.

Last month I bought Professor Layton and the Last Specter. A couple of weeks ago I got Kirby's Return to Dreamland (haven't played it yet). On the weekend I bought A World of Keflings on Xbox Live Arcade. Today I picked up my pre-order copy of Rayman Origins for the 360, as well as buying Super Mario 3D Land. Upon opening 3D Land, I was expecting a nice, sexy instruction manual to read through. Instead, what I am confronted with is a square sheet of paper folded twice into the shape of a booklet. Opening and unfolding this reveals what Nintendo calls the "Instruction Booklet". No story text to read through, no blurbs on the different suits. Just a basic actions list and diagram on one half, and the "cover" and Mario's moves on the other half. On the backside is all the copyright crap. Considering Nintendo made the nicest manuals out there, this was a real punch in the balls (or vulva if you're a chick).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really not impressed with most game packaging these days, but from Nintendo that's just sad.

I haven't been buying too many games recently, but I did pick up a few that I bought solely to play online with friends. I've never been big on FPS's but I did buy Battlefield 3 and it's fun to play with my group of co-workers who get online more than my other gamer friends. Also, the Wii has been kicking some butt lately, pumping out a handful of good games before it says bye bye. I bought Kirby Return to Dreamland as well, and of course Zelda:Skyward Sword. Both games are REALLY fun and I'd recommend them to anyone.

I've never been big on graphics, but I am debating running the Dolphin emulator on my PC so I can see the games in 1080p. Running at 480p resolution through my Wii,they remind of me PS2 games a bit. The comparison videos I've found on Youtube showing the Wii's 480p vs. Dolphin's 1080p are very compelling. These games should look that good! I hope the Wii U has something to fix the resolution.

Skyward(be sure to select 1080p):


and here's Kirby for ya E-Day:

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