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It Was Bound To Happen


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I've been waiting since Dec/Jan for my free strategy guide. I called about a month or two ago to ask about it and the agent said she would send me a different one instead because the Zelda Phantom Hourglass was out. So I said fine. I call today and I get one rep that tells me they will be sent out on May 6th and I hung up... then realized it's May 21st. I call back and the next agent says oh no we arn't getting any more strategy guides all we can offer is a pack of poster.

So I think to my self "Well funk". That really sucks but I guess you can't complain when it was suposed to be free. But still this is one of the reasons I sign up for Nintendo Power every year, that and because I have to have all the issues of Nintendo Power. It must be some kind of sickness that I have. :bag:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! Nice price. I wish I had found it at that price.

Anyway I though I'd give an update. First off a couple things. I got the posters in the mail today it actually came with 40 of them, or 20 double sided posters. They are only the sized of two 8.5x11 pages side by side. Still some of the posters look really cool. Only I can't bring my self to tear them out of the binding.

I also got my new issue of Nintendo Power only to find out there is no poser in this issue.

So is this the way it's going to be for now on? Or was that just for this issue? My guess is this will be the norm now that Future has their hands on NP.

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  Thor said:
I've been waiting since Dec/Jan for my free strategy guide. I called about a month or two ago to ask about it and the agent said she would send me a different one instead because the Zelda Phantom Hourglass was out. So I said fine. I call today and I get one rep that tells me they will be sent out on May 6th and I hung up... then realized it's May 21st. I call back and the next agent says oh no we arn't getting any more strategy guides all we can offer is a pack of poster.

So I think to my self "Well funk". That really sucks but I guess you can't complain when it was suposed to be free. But still this is one of the reasons I sign up for Nintendo Power every year, that and because I have to have all the issues of Nintendo Power. It must be some kind of sickness that I have. :bag:

first sry about double post ;)


Thor do you really have all the nintendo power mags???

are they in good con..

My 2 year old son kill off some of mags :angry: (still have them but can't open or read some of them)

one of he's drink spill all over stack I keep near the bed :angry: ( he's having nightmares lately :rolleyes: ..so stay with wife at night when at work B) )

some are posted but not all?? :o

can you help please..


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  • 1 month later...

It happened it finally happened.

I got this lame advertisement in the mail from Future Publishing asking me to do a 1yr or 2 cyr renewal early and if you do they will send you a Mario Kart Wii Strat Guide and I just thought... how sad. They send me some crappy posters instead of giving me my Zelda Strat Guide and now they are offering this Mario Kart guide. I was a bit upset and thought about calling them to let them know how upset I was about it but... I decided to just forget about it. Then a week later I get the Mario Kart Guide in the mail anyway with a letter of appolgy.

So hoorah! It's now almost August and since I ordered my Nintendo Power back in December that only only a full 7-8 months. Not bad for the new Nintendo Publisher.

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  Gnash said:
Even though it's free it's still false advertising since the freebies compel you to get the subscription in the first place. I other words the posters were nice but what a rip off.

The free stuff doesn't compel me to get a subscription. The fact that the price of a year's subscription costs what I would spend on a measely three issues at the newsstand compels me to get a subscription. Which is why I just ordered one. Whether I get the Mario Kart guide doesn't matter to me. I don't need it, and don't want it. It's a racing game, not an RPG.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  E-Day said:
The free stuff doesn't compel me to get a subscription. The fact that the price of a year's subscription costs what I would spend on a measely three issues at the newsstand compels me to get a subscription. Which is why I just ordered one. Whether I get the Mario Kart guide doesn't matter to me. I don't need it, and don't want it. It's a racing game, not an RPG.

I've been a subscriber since the mid 90's and I have to say that I loved renewing each year to get the free guide. You used to be able to pick which guide you wanted, but I don't think that's an option now. I got the free Phantom Hourglass guide, but it's a "digest version", meaning its about 7"x5" with tiny print inside.

But I guess it's better than a pack of posters... ;)

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The official magazine in the UK was changed to Future 2 years ago and it turned to shite, and now I can't read it without hating it. I wouldn't worry about your subscriptions so much, but the severe drop in quality you will experience in your magazine.

Still, the subscriptions issue is pretty bad, I would just write a letter, seriously, you always get a better response that way.

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I've been subscribing to Nintendo Power since the January 2006 (199) issue, and have had no qualms. Of course the first two years were through a fundraiser agency, so no free gifts, but this year I got the free Wii keychain with no problems. Just hope Future won't screw it up for me.

Of course I am also getting EGM, TV Guide, Computer Shopper and PC Magazine all for free from online offers, so I'm the last one who should be complaining about free gifts. Thank you Slickdeals!

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Did anyone else remember the huge offer they had back in the late 80's where you could get I think a 3 or 4 year subsription to NP and then they would also send you Dragon Warrior along with all sorts of material on how to beat the game. That was such a great offer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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